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dc_misc ([info]dc_misc) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-11 12:39:00

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Entry tags:alina vasquez, corinna prince, firestorm, inactive - hope free, inactive - traya smith, jerry carr, jon kent, npc - aquaman, npc - mera, plot - "blackest night", team - jla

Night Of The Living Dead (YJLA)
At the Hall of Justice, where the YJLA was currently taking refuge, everything seemed calm and quiet. In spite of the recent Black Lantern attacks, the team seemed to be holding up well, and many of the members were currently resting and recovering from helping out with various relief efforts.

Yes, all seemed well and good for the Young Justice League...

Outside, a dark cloud grew over the Hall of Justice...and a horde Black Lanterns closed in on the Young Justice League.

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2011-02-14 04:52 pm UTC (link)
A not-so-fun fact? Chairs thrown by dead kings of the sea move fast.

Michael has to move and break his concentration on the osmium. So, instead of trying to keep up with the metal, Michael decides to switch from cold (what with the frozen water) to hot with the plasma blasts.

"Stay still, damn it!"


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2011-02-15 12:49 am UTC (link)
BL Arthur kept moving and threw anything he could grab at Michael. The plasma incinerated the objects and reached Arthur. Arthur shot water from his hand at the plasma and kept advancing. Dead flesh began to burn.

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2011-02-15 01:41 am UTC (link)
There is a problem with Michaels inexperience with the Firestorm Matrix. He may now know who the other member of the Matrix is, but he still has a lot of issues with exhaustion with his powers.

Michael had been running on adrenaline and his new-found partnership (even though it was always there) since Jai attacked. But its catching up to him.

Michael begins to feel woozy. He still blasts at Aquaman, but the blasts are much wilder and less powerful than before.

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2011-02-15 09:41 pm UTC (link)
Arthur didn't care that he was burning, only that the guy before him finds peace. He kept advancing and when he got close enough he reached out with a burning hand and tried to grab the guy's throat.

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2011-02-15 10:24 pm UTC (link)
Aquamans burning hand certainly worries Michael. Its not a normal fire, its plasma. Plasma is something a hell of a lot hotter than just fire.

So to compensate Michael goes a hell of a lot colder than water. He goes liquid nitrogen, aimed in a small burst right at the hand trying to grab him while he backpedals quickly, trying to stay out of the dead mans reach.

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2011-02-16 09:41 pm UTC (link)
The hand freezes, but Arthur doesn't stop. He keeps advancing. The water hand comes up and shoots boiling water at Michael.

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2011-02-17 06:11 am UTC (link)
The boiling water doesn't matter. In an instant, they are something else, puff of oxygen landing in Michaels face.

Still, this fight is going nowhere. its a battle of attrition, and from what Michael can tell he will lose.

So, what now? Stall until the inevitable? Blast it back harder until he falls unconscious?

Nothing really sounds good. It's a lose/lose scenario.


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