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dc_misc ([info]dc_misc) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-11 12:39:00

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Entry tags:alina vasquez, corinna prince, firestorm, inactive - hope free, inactive - traya smith, jerry carr, jon kent, npc - aquaman, npc - mera, plot - "blackest night", team - jla

Night Of The Living Dead (YJLA)
At the Hall of Justice, where the YJLA was currently taking refuge, everything seemed calm and quiet. In spite of the recent Black Lantern attacks, the team seemed to be holding up well, and many of the members were currently resting and recovering from helping out with various relief efforts.

Yes, all seemed well and good for the Young Justice League...

Outside, a dark cloud grew over the Hall of Justice...and a horde Black Lanterns closed in on the Young Justice League.

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Headed to the Information Area
2011-02-13 09:29 pm UTC (link)
Lex Luthor tears his way through the Hall of Justice, seeking anyone he can find to kill, though he's also quite willing to destroy anything and everything of significance he comes across in order to get someone to come after him.

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Re: Headed to the Information Area
2011-02-14 12:32 am UTC (link)
Avia's Mother Box was practically screaming, these creatures not exactly the Anti-Life, but highly repellent to the Source-powered device.

She sent what soothing thoughts she could and coaxed her Box into letting her have a few energy bolts that she fired as the Luthor Lantern.

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Re: Headed to the Information Area
2011-02-14 01:27 am UTC (link)
Lex Luthor creates a shield of dark energy to block the first of Avia's energy bolts.

"After everything I've done and been to Superman, I don't even warrant the /respect/ of having a /real/ hero thrown at me? This is insulting.

/Who/ or /what/ are /you/ supposed to be?" Lex snarls, charging at Avia.

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Re: Headed to the Information Area
2011-02-14 01:40 am UTC (link)
Avia jumped over Lex, executing a perfect flip in mid air and kicking against his armor with her boots. She landed in a crouch, cape billowing around her.

"Name's Ms. Miracle. You have to have heard of me."


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Re: Headed to the Information Area
2011-02-14 03:00 am UTC (link)
"You'll have to forgive me. I've spent years dealing with heroes that /matter/, not their fifth-string sidekicks." Lex says, reaching out to grab that cape and yank her to the floor.

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Re: Headed to the Information Area
2011-02-14 03:35 am UTC (link)
The cape tears away without much effort. It's meant for that, especially when a Mother Box is around to trigger the change to one.

Avia instead pressed her attack, launching a series of punches and kicks.



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Re: Headed to the Information Area
2011-02-14 03:40 am UTC (link)
"You heard me." Lex snarls, taking each blow as it comes. Her strength would have rendered the living Lex Luthor immobile and unconscious after just a pair of blows, but now, he's armed, armored and undead.

He aims punch to her gut, the attempts to fire a repulsor blast into her gut before she can recover.

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Re: Headed to the Information Area
2011-02-14 06:48 pm UTC (link)
Though she had participated in any number of small fights and conflicts over the years, and though she was well trained, the fact remained that, at her core, Avia Free was a performer and not a fighter.

The punch, followed by the blast, sends her flying, slamming hard into the wall.

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Re: Headed to the Information Area
2011-02-16 01:29 am UTC (link)
"That's the problem with you heroes. You never know when you're beaten." Lex says, stalking toward Avia. He gets a bit of momentum going and winds up to kick her in the ribs as though she's a football.

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Re: Headed to the Information Area
2011-02-16 01:52 am UTC (link)
Avia bit her lip to creep from screaming. She was certain she'd felt something crack. Burns charred her belly.

Her Mother Box pinged loudly in panic over its owner.

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Re: Headed to the Information Area
2011-02-16 03:36 am UTC (link)
"Ooh...that looks like it hurts, but I'm going to do something for you, girl. I'm going to put you out of your misery." Lex says, as though he's discussing stocks.

Then he reaches for Avia's heart.

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Re: Headed to the Information Area
2011-02-16 03:44 am UTC (link)
The pinging of the Mother Box got louder and more insistent the closer Lex got.

When his hand was close enough, it released a pulse of pure life-force in defense.

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Re: Headed to the Information Area
2011-02-17 04:41 am UTC (link)
Lex recoils from the life-force pulse growls at the mother box.

"You are really starting to annoy me." he says to Avia.

He attempts to tear the Mother Box off of her, then go after her heart again.

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Re: Headed to the Information Area
2011-02-17 05:20 am UTC (link)
The Mother Box, once torn, made the kind of decision only a living machine can.

It self-destructed.

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Re: Headed to the Information Area
2011-02-17 05:43 am UTC (link)
The explosion rips Lex Luthor to atoms and then some, dropping his black ring to the floor.

Avia probably thinks she's in the clear or a minute or two and she is.

Then...the black ring rises from the floor and begins reconstituting a single finger, then a hand, then an arm.

Avia is more than smart enough to figure out where /this/ is going.

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Re: Headed to the Information Area
2011-02-17 05:49 am UTC (link)
It's almost more than Avia can process. Even on Apocalypse, staring down Darkseid himself, she hadn't felt so afraid for her own life.

She forced herself to her feet, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

Her Mother Box was gone, sacrificing itself to save her. She could build another, of course, with help from her father, but she had felt it die. Felt it's last impression on the Source as it had exploded.

She kept moving, tapping her communicator.

"This... this is... Avia... Need... help..."

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Re: Headed to the Information Area
2011-02-18 04:54 pm UTC (link)
"I am on my way, little sister," came the voice over the comms.

In a matter of seconds, Hope was at Avia's side, helping to support her.

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Re: Headed to the Information Area
2011-02-18 06:49 pm UTC (link)
Avia limped along much easier with Hope's help.

"Guess... I screwed up..." she winced.

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