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dc_misc ([info]dc_misc) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-11 12:39:00

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Entry tags:alina vasquez, corinna prince, firestorm, inactive - hope free, inactive - traya smith, jerry carr, jon kent, npc - aquaman, npc - mera, plot - "blackest night", team - jla

Night Of The Living Dead (YJLA)
At the Hall of Justice, where the YJLA was currently taking refuge, everything seemed calm and quiet. In spite of the recent Black Lantern attacks, the team seemed to be holding up well, and many of the members were currently resting and recovering from helping out with various relief efforts.

Yes, all seemed well and good for the Young Justice League...

Outside, a dark cloud grew over the Hall of Justice...and a horde Black Lanterns closed in on the Young Justice League.

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Generations 1: The Son Rises
2011-02-13 07:42 pm UTC (link)
Once upon a time, a phrase was coined.

This is a job for Superman.

It was that simple. It was those times when the entire world was threatened. When everything else had been tried, and fell short. When nothing but the best, the iconic, the 100% effort would save the day. When a line needed to be drawn between right and wrong.

Jon saw his father with telescopic vision, and his heart was as torn in two as when he first watched his father dying. Despair, anger, hopelessness, grief all washed over him. He fell to his knees, fighting back tears.

It wasn't that Jon had ever dreamed of trying to step out of his father's shadow, or even of filling his boots someday. No. Jon dreamed, fought and strove to be worthy to live in that huge shadow. To deserve the 'S'.

He can't help but feel like he's failed, again, and again lately. There was Svalin - and his shortsightedness. And the deaths. He couldn't stop them, as hapless and helpless as everyone else. Not being able to give his sister and mother the shoulder they needed to cry on, or any answers.

And now - he saw his father, and wasn't sure he could do it.

That was less than a minute ago. Tormented as he was - they needed him. His power was considerable, but that wasn't it. The thing he'd always strove for - to deserve to wear the big red 'S' - he's always understood, it didn't just mean Kryptonian power. Plenty of the JLA had that. It meant, at some level, things were going to be ok. That there was a shield between the world and the worst. Whether he deserves it or not, Jon wears it now, proudly and openly.

He's flying as fast as he can when he barrels into his father's back full strength, not holding back in the least. A moment ago, even the thought of this fight wracked him with guilt and pain. Now - he's needed. And there's only two things the Black Lanterns can read off of the Son of Steel...

he, personally, has a core of utter WILL

and is ringed with an almost blinding, radiant nimbus of HOPE

Because, this?

This is a job for Superman.

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Re: Generations 1: The Son Rises
2011-02-13 08:04 pm UTC (link)
The Black Lantern staggers under the assault for a moment, surprise giving Jon the temporary advantage more than strength. The twin lights of will and blinding hope are delicious, tantalizing beacons.

It swoops away from him, turning to face him.

"The greatest disappointment of them all,"
it growled.
"You'll never be the hero I was, Jon."

It unleashed a searing blast of heat vision.

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Re: Generations 1: The Son Rises
2011-02-13 08:15 pm UTC (link)
Jon keeps coming, not bothering to rise to the bait, taking a hit from the heat vision, but refusing to let it stop him.

"I'll just have to settle for being the best hero I can be then."

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Re: Generations 1: The Son Rises
2011-02-13 08:25 pm UTC (link)
It kept the heat vision up, sending a continual stream of it Jon's way.

"With your weak-human half?"
it sneered.
"You're destined to do nothing but fail."

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Re: Generations 1: The Son Rises
2011-02-13 08:59 pm UTC (link)
Jon flies up out of the stream, returning with a blast of his own.

"Never for lack of trying my best."

Nope, not giving an inch. He'll let this torture him later.

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Re: Generations 1: The Son Rises
2011-02-13 10:49 pm UTC (link)
The blast staggers the creature with his father's face, but it doesn't go down.

"Tell me then... how's that mother of yours?"

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Re: Generations 1: The Son Rises
2011-02-13 11:50 pm UTC (link)
Jon uses the stagger to get in close, taking a swing close up.

"Just like a lot of people, she's going to be just fine."

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Re: Generations 1: The Son Rises
2011-02-14 12:05 am UTC (link)
The blow rocked it, but it recovered.

"Not bad,"
it said.
"But not nearly good enough."
It threw a punch of its own.

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Re: Generations 1: The Son Rises
2011-02-14 12:09 am UTC (link)
Jon goes reeling from the punch, but comes right back with a left of his own, standing toe to toe with this mockery of his father.

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Re: Generations 1: The Son Rises
2011-02-14 12:29 am UTC (link)
The Black Lantern stood its ground, hammering Jon with blows which would crack a mountain.

"You're going to die, boy,"
it snarled.
"Alone, forgotten, useless!"

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Re: Generations 1: The Son Rises
2011-02-14 12:45 am UTC (link)
Jon dodges where he can, rolls with others, and takes some squarely. He's strong, fast and nigh invulnerable, but so is his father - and Kal has a lot of experience on Jon.

Still, there's a lot of people counting on him. Jon stands his ground, swinging back, ignoring the pain as best he can for now.

"Someday, maybe. But not today!"

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Re: Generations 1: The Son Rises
2011-02-14 01:08 am UTC (link)
The Black Lantern Superman is moving faster now, pouring on the speed in addition to the blows. Several of Jon's blows hit home, raising bruises and other damage on its already dead face.

"We'll see about that. And then I'll have to go visit Lois..."

It switched tactics, unleashing a blast of freeze breath.

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Re: Generations 1: The Son Rises
2011-02-14 01:19 am UTC (link)
Jon tears up a massive chunk of rock, letting it blunt the freeze breath, picking up ice as it freezes, growing heavier and heavier while Jon stands his ground.

By the time the hurricane gust dies down, he has about fifty tons of ice and rock - which he attempts to slam down atop his father.

"You're not going anywhere."

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Re: Generations 1: The Son Rises
2011-02-14 02:51 am UTC (link)
For a moment, at least, the rock immobilizes the Black Lantern. But it's already starting to crack...

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Re: Generations 1: The Son Rises
2011-02-14 02:56 am UTC (link)
Jon has read the files. They don't have the means to keep these things down, especially not in any numbers. They can slow them, possibly even hurt them - but they got ambushed.

They're going to lose people if they try and make a last stand here.

Jon digs his fingers into the earth, tearing up more rock, smashing it down onto the pile like a maul. Then another, then another, before freezing the mass together, hoping it will hold his father back just a little while.

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Re: Generations 1: The Son Rises
2011-02-14 03:23 am UTC (link)
The Black Lantern starts digging it's way out... but for now, Jon has the time to run.

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