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terra_mater ([info]terra_mater) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-10 22:11:00

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Entry tags:inactive - calypso, plot - "blackest night"

The Outsiders Headquarters had been empty, save for one person, for the past few days. Everyone else had been out and about, which was perfectly fine with Calypso. She needed time to think things through about her father, Brion Markov. Ever since she was a little girl, she never felt any inclination to get to know him. She never wanted to be a part of his life.

But when he was in trouble, she jumped at the chance to help him. And then she met him in person, and it was like nothing she had experienced before. She felt some sense of security in the part of her family that was attached to the surface world above Strata. Little did she know, however, that was overdue for a little family bonding with her long-dead aunt, Tara Markov.

She did know, however, that something was off when the earthen walls around her began to violently tremble.


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2011-02-11 02:19 am UTC (link)
The walls peeled back just enough to reveal the ghastly presence of the Black Lantern. Other spikes still shifted their way toward her.

"Name's Terra. You might have heard of me. I'm the awesome one."

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2011-02-11 02:25 am UTC (link)
Calypso lost her breathe for a moment when she the original Terra before her. Tara Markov.


The surprise didn't allow Caylypso to react right away tot he spikes of earth extending in her direction. She made her way to just barely avoid full impact, but her arm was pierced and cut. She shouted out in pain.

"How are you here? You're supposed to be dead, as you should be!"

She used her unharmed hand to direct some of tara's own spikes at her.

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2011-02-11 02:34 am UTC (link)
The spikes pierced Terra's body, but seemed to do little to slow her down.

"Little lower next time,"
she taunted.
"Gotta hit just the right spot for it to feel good."

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2011-02-11 02:39 am UTC (link)
Calypso's eyes widened. What the hell was going on?

"This... this isn't possible."

She sent more spikes at Tara.

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2011-02-11 02:52 am UTC (link)
"So you're stupid on top of being weak? Is that it? Bet you couldn't even have fooled the Titans for five minutes."

Tara let the spikes hit her, pinning her to the wall. But then she simply peeled herself away from them, gray-flesh and black costume tearing with a sickening sound.

"Okay," she said. "Your turn."

She flung spikes of her own back Cal.

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2011-02-11 02:56 am UTC (link)
There were traces of rage, but Calypso was mostly overwhelmed by fear. The sudden appearance of her opponent caught her off guard, and the power she exhibited was entirely out of the ordinary.

Calypso narrowly dodged a few of the spikes, but the rest of them stabbed into her leg and hip. She yelped and fell down.

"What...what are you?"

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2011-02-11 02:59 am UTC (link)
"Me?" the Black Lantern asked in a mocking voice. "I'm the original, baby. The true Terra! Not some pathetic kid of a knock-off!"

She flung spheres of solid rock at Calypso. "You know what that makes you? A knock-off of a knock-off! Never even coming close to being as good!"

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2011-02-11 03:23 am UTC (link)
The rocks pelted Calypso and she grunted after each hit. She barely managed to send some of them off to the side.

"Nobody...wants to be like you. You're just...a traitorous...bitch."

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2011-02-11 03:31 am UTC (link)
"Just proof they know I'm too good to copy."

She stepped closer to Calypso, a sword of rock appearing in her hand.

"Between the knock-off and my brother, it's a wonder you aren't even more of an inbred failure."

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2011-02-11 02:46 pm UTC (link)
"Or too horrible," Calypso shot back. She still had some bite to her. But there wasn't much else she could do besides hurl some rocks at her opponent.

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2011-02-11 11:41 pm UTC (link)
"What can I say? I was good at being bad," Terra taunted. "You're not even good at being good."

She deflected the rocks and came closer to Calypso, drew back her sword, and struck.

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2011-02-13 01:06 am UTC (link)
The sword pierced Calypso--ran right through. She gasped for a moment, and struggled mildly as her life fleeted from her. Her vision blurred, and then faded.

A dark streak zipped passed Tara Markov. A voice spoke to Calypso as a black ring slipped onto her finger, and she twitched suddenly. And then a green light was cast upon her, radiating from the Earth itself. The black ring shattered, the earthen sword crumbled and cleared away from the hole in Calypso chest, which rapidly mended under the green light.

And Calypso opened her eyes.

"What the...?"

She was confused, but shook her head and glared at Tara Markov.

"You bitch!" she exclaimed. She didn't throw dirt this time, either. He threw a right hook at Tara, backed with 100+ Class strength.

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2011-02-13 04:28 am UTC (link)
The blow took Terra's head clean off, sending it flying through the walls.

It landed somewhere in the neighborhood of Southern California.

The body crumpled to the ground.

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2011-02-13 04:08 pm UTC (link)
Calypso took a moment to marvel at herself. Then she looked down and uttered thanks to the Earth for this gift.

And then she took off into the city, to see if this was happening to more people and where she could help.

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