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black_lantern ([info]black_lantern) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-11 02:28:00

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Entry tags:inactive - faust, inactive - sindella zatara, mike blood, plot - "blackest night", sally roth, team - shadowpact, victoria craft, zachary zatara

Something Wicked This Way Comes
Morgan le Fey was back one of those black rings had found enough of her remains after the Demon had killed her to bring her back. It sought to control her but a simple black trinket couldn’t control Morgan le Fey of the Elder Folk with the amount of magic she controlled. Still it was annoying and nagging and she didn’t mind taking a few hearts along the way so long as she could complete her goal.

Even with all her great power and the power of the ring now at her disposal she had been foiled enough not to underestimate those damnable heroes. She needed a distraction to draw their focus away from her and what she was up to.

Flying over the city of London she began to weave her spell speaking in tongues even older than the first settlement man had ever made there in London back before it was ever known as such. Soon a gateway appears on the ground below her glowing with dark magics. Pouring forth from the gate her army of darkness like she used on Camelot all those many years ago. Though this time they reeked with decay and death and bore the symbol of the Black Lanterns upon them though were not Black Lanterns themselves.

“Lay this city to waste,” She commands her army as she flies off to take care of her other business. That should prove to be more than enough of a distraction for anyone who might sense what she was up too.

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2011-02-13 09:45 pm UTC (link)
Sally found her arm covered in ichor as she punched her hand right through two undeaded standing very close to each other.

She was going to need to ask Mike for a peck on the cheek or something, if he seemed in good enough condition after this. Or make out with a stranger.

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2011-02-13 11:13 pm UTC (link)
Victoria blasted apart another pair of undead warriors. Something about this felt entirely wrong. These were not like the ones they had encountered on the mountain.

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2011-02-14 12:35 am UTC (link)
Sindella wasn't happy that Zach just left the others out to try like that.

"Gingar onrefni!" She said, sending a flaming tornado at the horde.

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2011-02-14 09:06 am UTC (link)
Where did you guys disappear of to, Mike telepathicly asked Zach, Victoria, and Sin angerly. He really did not like being left completely out of the loop like this.

Since no one else was particularly close to him Mike figure he could try a more powerful spell. Mike started chanting and holding his ground ignoring the attacks on him. Infernal symbols began to appear around him and on him as his eye appeared to shine with inner flames. With that flame erupted all around him quickly burn the undead away from him an a rather large circle.

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2011-02-15 12:55 am UTC (link)
Well, that was rude. Whatever though. Percy continued to fight off the zombies as best he could.

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2011-02-15 07:28 am UTC (link)
Zombies continued to fall under energy blasts, fire, fists, and ice. It was still hard to tell if they had really made a dent their numbers or not.

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2011-02-15 08:12 pm UTC (link)
Victoria concentrated her energies on the portal, but found it resistant.

"Whoever caused this..." she said, quietly and to herself, "is powerful indeed."

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2011-02-16 07:35 pm UTC (link)
Sally wrenched a zombie's head off.

...oh gosh, her stepdad was going to throw a fit at all the blood and ichor on her clothes.

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2011-02-16 07:39 pm UTC (link)
Zach calls the other members of Shadowpact to their location, while letting Victoria and Sindella go to work on the portal. It wasn't really his area of expertise.

And there is a lot more cold being slung.

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2011-02-17 10:40 am UTC (link)
"Does anyone know how to find out what type of magic that is," Mike asks his clothes a little burnt from his last attack.

Mike throws some more blast of fire magic at the horde being careful not to effect the ice.

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2011-02-18 12:26 am UTC (link)
Victoria was still trying to bring it down, with little success. There were few enchantments she couldn't break, and those that she couldn't, she could almost always find ways to bring about the end of.

"Very ancient magic," she said. "Powerful..."

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2011-02-18 01:27 am UTC (link)
“Try disrupting it with Iron or something,” Mike suggest, “A lot of the older magics have issues with it if I know what I’m talking about which I might not.”

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2011-02-18 08:13 pm UTC (link)
Sally shivered a little. In this mob of undead, there wasn't even background civilian lust to keep her okay.

She was getting So Hungry.

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2011-02-19 10:18 pm UTC (link)
Sindella nodded at Mike's suggestion. "Nori sdnabs!" She said, trying to wrap iron bands around the edges of the portal.

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2011-02-19 10:20 pm UTC (link)
"P-perhaps if you h-had more p-power?" Percy asked, still throwing magical blasts at the zombies. He could ascertain this power, if needed. He loathed the idea of it, but he could sense that the souls of the dead still lingered with these zombies, although they were kept from having control.

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2011-02-19 11:14 pm UTC (link)
Victoria was still concentrating her own efforts on getting the portal to close, though a combination of mystical means and glaring at it until it decided it was the better option than facing her.

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2011-02-20 01:37 am UTC (link)
The portal's power began to waver and weaken under the combine work but wouldn't force closed just yet.

The horde of undead focused their collective gaze on the ones working to close it to attack.

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2011-02-20 05:18 am UTC (link)
Seeing the creeps' attention refocus on Miss Croft and the others, Sally tries to insinuate herself between them. "Okay. If you're going to be like that." And she ploughs into them like a linebacker.

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2011-02-22 04:00 pm UTC (link)
Mike cast a couple of exploding fireball spell at the horde to hopefully buy them some more time.

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2011-02-22 05:31 pm UTC (link)
Victoria cast a glance over her shoulder while she continued to direct energy at the portal. She trusted her teammates to keep her safe.

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2011-02-23 01:33 am UTC (link)
"Nori sekips fo noitpursid!" Zach is forced to put up with a slash to one leg as he conjures.

Thirteen iron pillars appear, driving themselves into the portal.

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2011-02-23 11:10 pm UTC (link)
Sindella continued to wrap iron rings around the portal.

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2011-02-23 11:20 pm UTC (link)
The portal strained to stay open against the magical assault to close it. Then suddenly the portal slams itself shut. The hordes of the undead warriors start to vanish like mist leaving behind only the wreckage they left behind and a lot of questions about who could have opened such a portal.

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2011-02-24 12:08 am UTC (link)
"I like this not at all," Victoria said as the undead vanished.

"Few sorcerers or sorceresses still live with his kind of power. None of them are pleasant options to consider."

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2011-02-24 12:45 am UTC (link)
“Tell me about it,” Mike says, “It does kind of remind me about a spell my dad told me about once but the person to cast it is dead and buried finally. Still it does strike me as weird that whoever cast this didn’t seem to really fight us when we tried to close the gateway.”

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