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Mike Blood ([info]partdemon) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Mike was in some pain from the burns that were already starting to heal in leaving him fine pretty soon and he was just pain angry about this whole mess.


Mike breathed a jet a fire as Morgan le Fey since Morderd was currently blocked off. The fire seemed different though, hotter, spicier, and had a magical quality to it. It almost seemed like hellfire but he hadn’t been able to do anything with that before.

“As much as I hate to admit this,” Mike said, “A tactical retreat someplace might be smart. This isn’t a fight we were prepared for and there seems to be a lot going on that we don’t know anything about. I really don’t want to leave her here in complete control of London but we might not have much choice though I could probably stay here and run some distraction work it that helps, it’s pretty hard to really hurt me and I could stay in telepathic contact with you guys.”


With her probably being able to just magic hundreds of people dead in London he really didn’t want to leave her here to do that.

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