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black_lantern ([info]black_lantern) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Morgan le Fey flew back to London her work had been even more successful than she could have hoped for. She had gotten all the tools she needed to finally enact her plan to take over the world.

The ring was still nagging her about taking some hearts which she was now more than happy to oblige it in. But first she wanted to check up on how her little distraction went before she started magicing a whole bunch of people dead.

She was a bit surprised to see that her portal had been taken down but then again she hadn’t been there supporting the army or the spell like she had been when Camelot had fallen even if she had still lost to that damnable Merlin and King Arthur

I see you’ve taken down my little distraction,” She calls down to the group gathered below her that she sense took down the spell she had woven, “I suppose I should reward you for your cunning there.

She raises her hands and black lightning shoots at them from the skies.

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