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Gilbert Kinkaid Walker ([info]veryperceptive) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-09 19:13:00

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Entry tags:gk, npc - tim drake, zoe torres

Friendly Neighbor.
A new apartment on Union Ave. Intermittent part-time work at the theater downtown.

And every evening after supper, he throws on one of the specially-lined outfits he's specifically designated for Volunteer Work, paints his face, and makes his way down to the Triangle.

He still hasn't had cause to draw the blade; GK keeps dealing with people who just need to be hit with sticks. But he takes to bringing a bag along, in which to put the ammo and emptied guns he collects in these escapades.

One night he's got quite a few. "Great. What am I supposed to do with all this?"

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2011-02-13 06:32 am UTC (link)
He had nerve, Zoe had to give him that. She nodded back and disappeared into the alley.

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