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Tim Drake/Red Robin ([info]bloodred_robin) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"These guys are working for a major player here in Star City, someone who's managed to elude my investigations for the last few months. The organization calls themselves the Black Vipers, but the people you're looking at are the Sons of Discord Motorcycle Club. They've been running guns through the Triangle and out down into the rest of California and upstate to Washington for the last year for the Vipers.

Every time I shut down two of their warehouses and drop points, four others spring up. I'm close to narrowing down the head of the Vipers, but we need something airtight to make a conviction stick.

Falconeri and his people are going to move in once we've engaged. They're all positioned within five minutes of this place, but they don't want to tip off the Sons." Red Robin says.

"You and I are going to keep them occupied long enough for the cops to get here and connect them to the gunrunning." he says.

"Are you ready?" he asks.

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