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Jai West ([info]dareyoutorun) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Traya lights up like big beacon of fear and Jai is close to tearing her heart out, once again, when the Michael starts in with the plasma blasts.

"Okay, /that's/ it!" he says, dropping Traya to the floor without taking her heart.

"Don't move a muscle, honey. Back in Flash." he jests.

He races up behind Firestorm.

"You missed, man. Some boyfriend /you'd/ make! You can't even defend your girl from her abusive ex!" Jai taunts, trying to provoke Michael.

"But I always wondered somethin' about you Firestorm guys. There's always supposed to be /two/ of you from what my old man used to say.

How do you decide who gets Traya on what night? Do you draw straws? Guess numbers?

Hey, why don't I just ask the other guy in there?" Jai queries, beginning to vibrate and top speed, before leaping /into/ Firestorm.

/Now...where is that other guy...? Ha! There he is!/ Jai announces triumphantly, moving faster and faster.

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