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Keith Queen ([info]sonic_arrow) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-19 12:52:00

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News That Hits the Fan
It didn't take Keith long to make calls for a flight out of the country.  It was a private jet that his father owned.  His bags were on already, and Keith was just about to board.  But then, a hand gripped his shoulder.

"Keith Queen, you're under arrest for the murder of Robert Franklin Wells."

The rest of what was said to him fell on deaf ears.  He was in total shock.  How did they figure out it was him?  His identity was secret to the public, and he was positive nobody who knew he was Green Arrow would turn him in.  Would they?  There was the slightest nudge at the possibility that Robert had called it in, but Keith didn't stay on that for more than a second.  He couldn't believe Robert would get him arrested and unveil his secret identity to the public.

But man, that night turned to shit.

The next morning, Keith's face was on every news channel.  He was publicly revealed to be the Green Arrow, the man that murdered the Artist.

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