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dc_misc ([info]dc_misc) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-15 15:42:00

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Entry tags:alina vasquez, corinna prince, cosmopolitan, firestorm, green lantern dex, iason, inactive - aquaknight, inactive - charlie rogers, inactive - eli paravich, inactive - hope free, inactive - rose ellington, inactive - ryan spector, inactive - traya smith, jerry carr, jon kent, npc - batman, npc - don hall, petra gardner, plot - "12-step", svalin, team - jla

Battle At The End of Time
The YJLA and the Avengers had a busy week. They had been searching the globe for signs of Kang all week, but no trace of the time-traveling conqueror could be found. The people who attacked the YJLA seemed to have disappeared into thin air as well. It had been a quiet week for both teams. Little did they know it was the calm before the storm.

The two teams met at the YJLA headquarters for a brief meeting to go over the results of their searches and to lay plans for the upcoming days. Both teams were gathered in the conference room when there was a bright flash and they were all transported to a spot some distance away from Kang's Fortress at the End of Time.

It was time to fight what should be the final battle in this adventure.

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Re: One last goodbye
2011-01-24 12:48 am UTC (link)
Tears fell from her eyes when he kissed her. "Aye," she said softly. "Duty canst be a heavy burden to bear and mine hath become heavier this day." She looked at him through tear filled eyes. "I love thee, Jon Kent. There wilt always be a place for thee in mine heart."

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Re: One last goodbye
2011-01-24 12:52 am UTC (link)
He kisses her once more. "I love you too, Svalin Sifsdottir... and... knowing that you're going back to what has to be done over what we'd both like... just makes it that much harder to let go... but makes me love you that much more too." he sighs.

"I'll always remember you too. Take care of yourself, ok?"

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Re: One last goodbye
2011-01-24 01:01 am UTC (link)
"I wilt." She released him and her hands unfastened the leather straps of the necklace around her neck. At the end was a small metalpendant of Mjolnir. Her mother had given it to her when she was very young and she hadn't removed it until now. She smiled and fastened it around his neck.

"A token to remember me. Take care of thyself." She gave him a long deep kiss as tears rolled down her cheeks.

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Re: One last goodbye
2011-01-24 01:21 am UTC (link)
He considers - he's not normally one for trinkets. After the kiss, he pulls off his shirt, of Kryptonian threads, or the versions his father had invented, anyway, and offers it over to her.

"Its... not a lot, but something to remember me by."

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Re: One last goodbye
2011-01-24 01:27 am UTC (link)
Svalin accepted it and clutched it close to her chest. "I wilt treasure it always."

She glanced over at the others and knew time was running short. "We shouldst rejoin the others. It ist time to go. Goodbyes art hard enow without dragging them on."

She took his hand and intertwined her fingers with him. She wasn't going to let go until the very last second.

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Re: One last goodbye
2011-01-24 01:32 am UTC (link)
He lifts her up, and carries her over to the others, one last flight.

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Re: One last goodbye
2011-01-24 01:41 am UTC (link)
Vernique is, for some reason, wearing again the shades she'd taken off after the fight was over.

Because she'd been looking over at Jon and Svalin and didn't want anyone seeing her tear up.

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Re: One last goodbye
2011-01-24 01:44 am UTC (link)
Svalin held on a little tighter than necessary. They set down next to the others and reluctantly she let go of Jon.

"Art we all ready?" she asked.

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Re: One last goodbye
2011-01-24 01:52 am UTC (link)
Charlie stood by his dad. "Ready."

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