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dc_misc ([info]dc_misc) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-15 15:42:00

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Entry tags:alina vasquez, corinna prince, cosmopolitan, firestorm, green lantern dex, iason, inactive - aquaknight, inactive - charlie rogers, inactive - eli paravich, inactive - hope free, inactive - rose ellington, inactive - ryan spector, inactive - traya smith, jerry carr, jon kent, npc - batman, npc - don hall, petra gardner, plot - "12-step", svalin, team - jla

Battle At The End of Time
The YJLA and the Avengers had a busy week. They had been searching the globe for signs of Kang all week, but no trace of the time-traveling conqueror could be found. The people who attacked the YJLA seemed to have disappeared into thin air as well. It had been a quiet week for both teams. Little did they know it was the calm before the storm.

The two teams met at the YJLA headquarters for a brief meeting to go over the results of their searches and to lay plans for the upcoming days. Both teams were gathered in the conference room when there was a bright flash and they were all transported to a spot some distance away from Kang's Fortress at the End of Time.

It was time to fight what should be the final battle in this adventure.

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2011-01-16 06:19 pm UTC (link)
"I will lead the charge," said Charlie. "I've dealt with Kang. I know what to expect in there. Svalin, Jon, and Hope will fight off his bodyguards, which consider who he's used in the past, he's likely to use someone on a more threatening scale than Sentry. We'll go in, take out whatever Kangbots and trap's he's got in there, and then we all take on Kang- together. Attacking him separately won't work."

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2011-01-16 06:21 pm UTC (link)
"We've got you covered, Superboy," Rose said.

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2011-01-16 06:24 pm UTC (link)
Jon nods, then looks to the YJLA.

"Ok, we have a plan. Svalin and Hope are familiar with each other's style, I'll work with them. Jerry and Alina can work on the kryptonite, until they have, the lanterns should be able to keep me covered until we find out who is guarding Kang. Once we intercept his bodyguard, Charlie will take up the lead. JLA'ers - I know a lot of you don't know him, but he's gained the trust of the people who do, and I trust his tactical sense. Follow his lead - I have confidence in his leadership."

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2011-01-16 06:54 pm UTC (link)
"Mayhap it ist time to knock and get Kang's attention," Svalin said as she walked over to a good sized boulder. She lifted it up and hurled it at the fortress. "KANG! WE WOULDST HAVE WORDS WITH THEE!"

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2011-01-16 07:05 pm UTC (link)
"KANG!!!!!!!!!!!," Ryan yelling much like a certain space ship captain not particularly able to help himself. Still it couldn't hurt to attract attention.

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2011-01-16 07:18 pm UTC (link)
Jerry just started snapping his fingers causing large chucks of kryptonite to disappear in flashes of green reappear far off into the horizon.

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2011-01-16 08:04 pm UTC (link)
Petra starts encasing as much of the green rock in ice as possible, to try to hold off some of the radiation.

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2011-01-16 08:15 pm UTC (link)
Dex created a force field around Jon and made it as strong as he could. They didn't need Jon succumbing to the kryptonite.

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2011-01-16 08:19 pm UTC (link)
Alina gets to work on transforming the outer layers of Kryptonite into a lead. It's not the easiest spell, and she's not entirely sure if she ought to be concerned about the flashes of light shooting up toward the "sky" as a side effect, but at least there's less of the glowing green stuff around.

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2011-01-16 08:21 pm UTC (link)
Traya's powers aren't particularly suited to dealing with the Kryptonite, so she just keeps pace with the others.

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