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masterofmatter ([info]masterofmatter) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Re: Inside
Seeing what Traya is doing, Michael uses his knowledge of buildings to create a small structure around Alina, a small metal box with insulated sides, a way to draw the lightning away from Alina and keep her safe.

'Well, this is certainly a bind you're in, kid.'

"Oh, now you decide to show up!"

'Happy to see you, too, kid,' the voice chuckled.

"Good for you. Can you help or are you gonna be useless again?"

'I'll try to help, but I don't know what I can do against this guy. But I would think taking out the supports on those bots would be a good idea.'

Michael, watching the bots blast while behind their shields, decides to make the ground under the nearest one a five foot deep pool of liquid nitrogen.

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