"Very true surprise can be a lot of fun or at the very least test out your reaction times. But I'm an optimist so I lean towards the fun option more," Ryan says with a smirk.
"No that's OK. It's definitely an issue in my world that really needs address though how is something that is not easy to solve. But there are definitly good people in my world that take the risk of trusting and helping heroes even when they don't have to or is at a personal risk to themselves," Ryan says. Dectective Flint easily comes to mind for someone who doesn't have to have helped or worked with his dad but did so anyways.
"I can honestly say I have no idea how long I will be here. Could be a month,could be till tonight, I really don't know," Ryan says, "I would definitely like to do this again but I say lets take advantage of this while I'm here and have as much fun as we can while we can."
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