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Ryan Spector ([info]ryanspector) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
“Sounds like a plan to me,” Ryan said as he let her lead him out of the alleyway.

Normally he probably would have done something more to secure the guy he had knocked out but with how hard he had hit him there was no way he was getting up for hours so he could take care of that later.

“My kind of place,” Ryan said. It did remind him a bit of Gena’s if it was more burger focused and the food already smelled great.

“I’ll probably just have a bacon-cheeseburger, fries and a soda,” he says.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Ryan says, “But at least I can help make things a little better for you while I’m here.”

He considered asking what had been happening of late but decided to wait till later to ask that.

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