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Melissa Storm/Calamity ([info]callmemissstorm) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
This whole thing went differently in Mitzi's mind.

When she stepped into the alley and told the mugger to let the woman go, he didn't have a knife. And if he did have a knife, then he just dropped it and ran while Mitzi ran the opposite direction. Keystone City muggers were a different breed of criminal. They got weird when the wind picked up, because chances were that it wasn't a storm; it was the Flash, or Kid Flash or Impulse coming kick your face in.

These days, the Flash had his work cut out for him. Kid Flash was gone and Mitzi hadn't seen Iris since the news came in a couple of days ago. Mitzi went on a mission with her new teammates in the new Titans East group, but she was still the weakest link on the team. Even Pippi had real powers, somewhat.

So, Mitzi was trying to get her "street cred" up, so to speak. She didn't want the whole team having to watch her back all the time.

So, she'd come across the mugger (she was good at catch criminals in the act, which was weird in itself) and told him, a little more forcefully than she'd intended to stop.

"Run along little girlie. Adults are talkin' here." the mugger said, and turned back to his victim.

So Mitzi picked up the nearest beer bottle and tossed it, scoring a direct hit on the back of the man's head. The bottle shatters and he roars in pain, giving the woman a chance to break his grasp and run out of the alley with a quick "thanks" to Mitzi.

When the mugger rushed at her and dragged her into the alley, she realizes she should have run, too.

"You're gonna pay for that, you little bitch." the man says, brandishing his knife, his breath stinking stale beer and god only knew what else.

Right about now, she wished Pippi or Iris was here.

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