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First_Son ([info]first_son) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
He nods with a sigh. "And yes, I should know better... I do know better. And I should have thought, and I didn't. I should never have let things go... as far as they did. Before last night... I'd never kissed a girl, never been on a date... its not that I didn't know... that I have any excuse, because I don't. Things just... happened, and I was stupid, and irresponsible."
And he's not going to blame the pressure, not going to blame losing his father, or big shoes to fill, or a lifetime of trying to be the perfect boyscout catching up with him when he was out of any depth he'd ever experienced - those may be explanations, but they're not excuses - and whatever the consequences, he'll own up to what he's done without excuses.

"The green rocks, though, are kryptonite. They're debris from my father's homeworld. Don't ask me why it didn't kill the population of Krypton, no one modern knows the science of it, but we suspect it has to do with exposure to yellow sun radiation. Once we gain the powers, we also gain the allergy... maybe. In any case, there's numerous varieties, but the green is the most common. Its mildly radioactive. Over a decade of frequent exposure, someone could get cancer - except Kryptonians. To us, everyone with any Kryptonian DNA, its deadly poisonous."

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