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Dinah Kord ([info]bwa_ha_ha) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-10 21:35:00

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Entry tags:ash curry, dinah kord, goldstar, inactive - marissa wayne, npc - mitzi storm, npc team - the pack, pippi peppers, plot - "go east young titan"

Little Trouble in Big Gotham
Any number of things had been going down recently, but the rash of various thefts from Queen, Wayne, Luthor, and Kord Industries' west coast branches (the last one made it personal), also had to be dealt with.  Dinah had done some investigating on her own, the clues being relatively simple things, since the robberies themselves had largely been smash and grabs and the like.

What had been surprising were the culprits involved: the Pack.  The mercenary team was relatively well known within certain circles, operating out of Zandia with impunity from the laws.  This seemed a bit below their usual standard, but it probably meant someone even higher up on the food chain was working an angle.

And the next theft, based on what she had pieced together about just what had been stolen, was going to be in Gotham, at one of the Wayne Industries warehouses.  Even with the Scarab, she knew she couldn't take them all on on her own.  She needed the Titans.  But with the team decimated of late and time being of the essence, she'd only been able to get Pippi, Mitzi, and Ash to come with her.

Fortunately, they'd been able to pick Riley up along the way.

She brought the Bug into hover mode, closing the faceplate on her armor.  "Okay, I briefed you all on these guys on the way over.  They're very nasty and they won't hesitate to kill you if you get the chance.  No fancy heroics.  We play this like a team."

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Re: Calling the retreat
2011-01-14 01:05 am UTC (link)
"Adds to damages," Robin rasped. "I presume you will tell me what brought you here?"

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Re: Calling the retreat
2011-01-14 01:17 am UTC (link)
"We were tracking those guys," she told Robin. "They've been stealing from technical companies across the country. Queen. Kord. Luthor. Wayne. Some smaller local outlets."

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Re: Calling the retreat
2011-01-14 04:00 am UTC (link)
"S-Say!" Ash blinks then coughs. "S-Sorry. I found something you guys."

She dips her head hiding behind her hair but offers Blue Beetle the slip of paper. Ash is back to being shy. There is a new person after all.

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Re: Calling the retreat
2011-01-14 03:02 pm UTC (link)
Riley wandered over, trying to check that Dinah was alright as discretely as possible.

He puts a hand on Ash's shoulder and grins at her. "Good work." He makes sure not to give her the smolder, but it's a nice smile nonetheless.

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Re: Calling the retreat
2011-01-14 07:37 pm UTC (link)
Dinah examined the paper. "Thanks," she told Ash.

She studied it. "I think we've got their next target."

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Re: Calling the retreat
2011-01-15 01:56 am UTC (link)
Mitzi climbs out from behind some boxes, after having lucky managed to get her guy to completely miss where she'd gone.

"Okay, so where are we headed? And Beetle, this BB Gun needs lasers." Mitzi says.

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