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Svalin Thorsdottir ([info]shield_maiden) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-08 18:45:00

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Entry tags:corinna prince, cosmopolitan, firestorm, green lantern dex, iason, inactive - aquaknight, inactive - charlie rogers, inactive - eli paravich, inactive - hope free, inactive - jarrod hall, inactive - rose ellington, inactive - ryan spector, inactive - traya smith, jerry carr, jon kent, npc - batman, npc - don hall, petra gardner, plot - "12-step", svalin

Meet and Greet
The Avengers were shown to quarters in the YJLA headquarters and given some time to get cleaned up and settle in. When the allotted time was up everyone on both sides were called to the meeting room. It would be a time to do formal introductions and figure out why the Avengers were here.

Svalin found the room without any problems and entered. It was empty and she took a seat in a chair that allowed her a good view of the door.

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2011-01-10 05:24 pm UTC (link)
"If you need some materials to build something to get you home, so long as they aren't organic I can manufacture it for you."

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2011-01-10 08:54 pm UTC (link)
"Sure," Traya said.

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2011-01-10 09:34 pm UTC (link)
"I can take someone if they want to do some scouting," Dex said.

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2011-01-10 10:15 pm UTC (link)
"I would be honored," Corinna gives a slight bow. "I would be proud to assist you."

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