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dc_adult ([info]dc_adult) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-08 15:55:00

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Entry tags:inactive - mikey dugan, inactive - todd rice, inactive - warhawk, npc - damon matthews, team - jsa, will freeman

The hardest part (Open to JSA)
It was one of the hardest things that anyone would have to do, but Todd Rice and his partner Damon Matthews were at the JSA Brownstone, with a couple of boxes in hand to get Mickey's belongings out of her room and bring them back to Kyle and Jennie. It wasn't fair to ask them to do it, as they were still adjusting to the fact that their child had been murdered by a psychopath who had an axe to grind with Kyle. It wasn't fair to Mickey, to have her life be taken from her at such a young age, and to have it taken so cruelly. And it certainly wasn't fair to her parents, to lose their child so suddenly.

Todd held Damon's hand as they made their way through the Brownstone to Mickey's room. Todd opened the door to his niece's room, a knot forming in his chest as they walked in. There were posters on the wall of bands and movies that Mickey liked, some clothes scattered on the floor here and there, a couple of stuffed animals on the bed, and framed pictures of her and her friends lined the dresser, nightstand, and book-selves.

"You going to be okay, honey?" Damon asked Todd, squeezing his hand, as Todd looked around the room, the knot in his chest getting tighter.

"Yeah..." Todd said, choking on his words a little. "I'll be fine."

The two men put their boxes on the bed, and started to go about clearing things out, Damon making his way to the closet, and Todd stared to clear out the dresser drawers. They had left the door open.

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2011-01-09 02:38 am UTC (link)
Todd gave the three boys a weak smile. "Sure guys," he said.

He knew Rex and Mikey, but didn't know Will. "I'm Todd Rice," he said to Will, extending a hand. "Mickey's uncle. This is my partner, Damon Matthews."

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2011-01-09 05:11 am UTC (link)
"I'm Will Freeman. I...well."

Will pauses for a second.

"I'm just here to help."

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