"There ist not much to talk about," she said and blushed a little. She wasn't used to talking about herself much with people she had just met. She was a focus on the situation at hand kind of girl and not one to talk about herself.
She thought about what to tell him. The burden of not being worthy of lifting Mjolnir still rested on her shoulders and in her thoughts, but it wasn't something she could explain to someone. She hadn't even told Vernique. It was something she kept to herself and didn't think anyone outside of Asgard would understand.
She had almost come to terms with her actions in Asgard and the consequences thereof. It was a lesson she understood more with each passing day and had come to appreciate her father's suggested actions. Talking to the families of the dead and moving away from her siblings were first steps in the process. She now accepted that duty always came first even if it meant the life of a loved one.
"I wouldst like to hear about thee and thine world."
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