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J'anna J'onzz ([info]burningmartian) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Going intangible hadn't ocurred to her, nor had using tk to toss him through a wall, wipe his memory, or anything else she could technically do. If he was going to cast her aside, she was going to let it be a fair fight.

She takes a deep breath when he backs away from her and sits back down.

"I think you doubt just how much I love you," she says simply.

"What happens if you die? Then I'll grieve. I'll miss you. I'll spend a lot of time drunk, lying in bed trying to convince myself you'll come home. I'll be inconsolable--and I can't promise you I'd ever get over you. I might end up a bitter, miserable old woman. I don't see the future. I don't know what tomorrow is. But what I do know is that there isn't a person on the planet that doesn't face the same question. Anyone's lover could die in the next twelve months. Or end up in a coma from which they may never wake up."

She thinks about her dad, knowing exactly where he is right now, knowing he's holding her mom's hand, wishing she'd just open her eyes.

"No one knows what's going to happen. I just know I don't want to live in what if land. I want to live in here and now, which up until about five minutes ago consisted of me and my boyfriend and had the possibility of some cuddling and maybe more but right now feels a lot like that's not going to happen."

She kneels in front of him and takes his hands.

"You aren't broken and you aren't bad luck and you aren't a curse. You're mine. And I don't want to go anywhere that isn't with you, no matter how scary, dangerous, or surreal it is."

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