Character Application
So you want to apply for
dc_heroes? Great!
A few things first:
1. Canon is a guide, not a straitjacket. There are big canon issues and little canon issues. Superman is from Krypton. Aquaman is from Atlantis. Batman lives in Gotham. Those are all good examples of big canon issues that don't change. Smaller issues that are subject to change would include things like who a character is dating or where they are living at a particular time - as long as we have internal story logic, we'll be happy.
An encyclopedic knowledge of DC Universe canon is not a requirement. However, you will be expected to learn or know canon (if there is canon) pertaining to your character: for example, if you are playing a member of the JLA, you should know who the other members are, where the headquarters is, and have a general idea of who is capable of doing what. We have several useful reference sites listed on our community profile page, and chances are no matter how obscure the character, you'll find that one of our other players can help you learn more about them.
2. Play nice with others. We can't emphasize this enough. If you have a problem with another player - try to work it out with them first. Then talk to one of the mods. Play nice with others.
3. Plots - We request that you give the mods a head's up to plots that you are running. It's not for approval, it's just to let us know what's going on. We do want players to check with other players for stuff that involves their characters. If Batman wants to visit Superman, go for it -- just make sure that the Superman isn't already otherwise occupied. This goes for player-player interactions, too -- respect people's privacy, don't be schmucky, and if you have any problems with another player, please talk to a mod.
4. Game-related posts should be posted in the
dc_heroes community. Out of character posts should go in
dc_heroes_ooc We don't have a minimum posting requirement because some characters only pop up when they're needed. However, if you agree to participate in a plot, let folks know if you're going to be on vacation or whatever, and talk about what they can do if you suddenly disappear -- death in the family, computer goes boom, whatever. Generally people say, "Okay, you can NPC my character, and they're likely to do thus and such in a given situation," or they let a trusted friend play understudy. Whatever works for you.
5. We do not have a character limit, but we encourage players to know their limits and play the characters they have. If you have ten characters, you should be posting on a regular basis with all ten. Yes, not every character is going to be active all of the time, but one character post a month is a reasonable request. There will be a week waiting period between submission of apps.
6. Sex - Consensual - Things leading up to sex, ie kissing, groping, and removing of clothes is fine in comm. Anything else...keep it in individual journals. A reference to it is fine. Like someone waking up next to someone else and mentioning last night's activities is fine. Going into explicit detail is not.
Sex - non-consensual - Off comm. Period. No ground will be given on this one. A vague reference to something happening in comm is fine, just nothing explicit.
6a. Apping Characters just to "hook up with someone" - Please do it somewhere else. This is a game for people who are interested in more than just hooking their character up with another character. While it is natural for characters to start dating and otherwise participate in physical relationships, it should not be the main purpose of the character and it is not the main focus of the game.
7. Abuse -
Mental, physical and mental - Within reason and not over the top. Please check for comfort level in the OOC comm or chat before posting and clear it with the mods before posting.
Child - Will not be tolerated. Period.
8. Age differences in relationships (in regards to a sexual relationship) - 1-3 years is acceptable in comm. Anything else must be kept off comm, unless both are consenting adults.
9. Other trigger issues (torture, etc) - check in OOC comm, chat and with mods before posting
10. Regarding character violence, no maiming or killing without the other player's permission. Generally when playing out a fight scene on LJ, the players involved will be consulting each other IM. This has worked out pretty well. Fight fairly, even if it's a dirty street fight. If you're not the Flash or a top-ranked martial artist, don't claim that the other character never hit your character.
11. Bendytime posts - Please feel free to have posts that are bendytimed to fit in.
Forward: We're not control freaks here and bendytime posts forward are ok. We understand that people cannot be kept waiting days, weeks, even months for a thread to finish, especially if it is a fight with many people involved. These usually take a long time. HOWEVER, please keep in mind any ramifications from current ongoing threads when making your post. If the ongoing post is part of someone else's plot, please check with them to see what the ramifications of the plot are going to be.
Backward: Not a problem, just please make sure that where you put it makes sense.
12. If you RP something out in a character journal and want it to be part of game canon, you must link to it in a post in game for it to be considered part of game canon
Character Application:
Player (nickname/handle)/LJ:
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name:
Character LJ (if applicable):
PB if using one:
Character location/Home:
What are your plans for the character?
How are you planning on working them into the game?
Is there anything from canon that you plan on changing with that character?
What sort of plots to do you want to do with this character?
Please be as detailed as you wish:
Sample Post: In order for the mods to process your app, a sample scene for the character that you are applying for is required. You may, however, request to have a test with another player for your character. Also in some cases, an additional test scene may be required before the mods can give a final answer.
dc_heroes only accepts applications for canon characters. Applications for original characters will not be accepted.