(no subject) @ 08:09 pm
The Hall of Justice.
Captain Marvel had come by, as Superman requested, to get his communicator...but also to absorb it all.
It's not like he hadn't been part of a team. Of legends, no less. That's what the Justice Society *is*, for heavens sake. But this...this is different. With the JSA, he was either the "youngster" to folks like Jay Garrick or he was the "old hand" to folks like Hourman.
Don't get him started on Courtney.
He's hoping with the JLA...it's more of a peer to peer relationship. Even though, in reality, he is the youngun.
Current Location: Hall of Justice
The Hall of Justice.
Captain Marvel had come by, as Superman requested, to get his communicator...but also to absorb it all.
It's not like he hadn't been part of a team. Of legends, no less. That's what the Justice Society *is*, for heavens sake. But this...this is different. With the JSA, he was either the "youngster" to folks like Jay Garrick or he was the "old hand" to folks like Hourman.
Don't get him started on Courtney.
He's hoping with the JLA...it's more of a peer to peer relationship. Even though, in reality, he is the youngun.
He walks into the building, curious if anyone is around.
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