Conner was still dazed from the Kryptonite and Metallo's savage attack caught him off-guard. He was still getting up when he heard what Corben threatened to do to Mia, and then the kids.
/That/ made him angry.
Heedless of his own safety, Superboy runs at Metallo and wraps his arms around the cyborg from behind. He then lifts off, flying the two of them through the ceiling of the Youth Center. He wants to keep the battle away from Mia and the kids, even if it means that Corben kills him with the Kryptonite.
Said Kryptonite begins to interfere with Superboy's powers again, and the pair falls from the sky, smashing into the street just outside the Youth Center.
Metallo gets up first and proceeds to punch Superboy in the face repeatedly.
"Now. You. Die." he says, punching Conner over and over.
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