Conner could have done without going to school today, he was so excited to see Mia again, but he didn't want to give the Kents any other reason to ask him a ton of questions, so he went, then flew home to do his chores and change clothes.
He was done about five minutes later, and he still had two hours before Mia would get out of school. Curses to different times zones. He spent a bit of time running around Smallville and helping people where he could, before it was time to go see her.
Two hours after school ended, Conner was flying toward Star City Youth Center with a huge grin on his face. He thought about getting Mia a flower, but that seemed overdone, so he opted to just play it cool and hang out. He still didn't know if Mia could like him like that, so he wanted to keep it simple.
He landed in an alley a few blocks away, checking to make sure that no one saw him. Then he slipped on his glasses and slicked his hair back before walking to the Youth Center.
Seeing Mia outside, Conner called her name and then crossed the street to get to her.
"Hey! Glad you could make it tonight. How did your day go?" he asks.
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