Crescent City: OOC
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Volunteers Needed!
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! We are looking for two volunteers for the next plot gem! You have until Sunday night to volunteer your kids, at that time two characters will be selected and depending on where you need activity we can post the thread either Monday (for Feb) or Tuesday (for March).

Speaking of activity! Don't forget! Activity checks are coming up Monday! Make sure you've had two threads with each of your characters by then! Thanks lovelies!


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Birthday Posts
Hey guys! So the Valentine's Day present post went over really well and we were thinking why not do the same for birthdays? From now on and for the past few birthdays feel free to leave present posts on the OOC post for a character's birthday. For example:

In the subject line write: Owlpost to Rowan from Meka
Then in the comment section write: Meka got Rowan this awesome stuff for her birthday. Don't forget to link your sets!

If you have any suggestions, comments keep them coming! Game on!


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Rule Update!
Ladies and gentlemen! We have made several adjustments in the rules if you would like to browse over the changes but basically... here are the changes we've made!

*NPC addendum: With the exception of solo scenes, letters home, and brief appearances (a few lines), NPCs related to your character are to remain out of in-game scenes. NPCs are not meant to be played as PCs within scenes. If there is a need to have an NPC appear in a thread for more than a short period for plot reasons, please bring this to the attention of the Mods for approval.

*Character cap: The character cap is five characters per player, and now if you have five characters and just can't resist that scratch to make a sixth, you may request a sixth character! There are of course several conditions for a sixth character. As a player you must be consistently active with all of your current characters, always doing more than the minimum for activity, and finish your scenes.

*As requested! We are making an extracurricular schedule so you may have to adjust your characters extra curricular activities as there may be scheduling conflicts. If you don't want to give up certain activities you can always say that your character rotates meetings every other week.

Thanks for being awesome guys! And if you have any questions ask away! Happy playing!


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Spirit Week Ideas!
Hey guys! So Spirit Week is coming up and we wanted to have theme days for the whole week! Here's where you come in. Brain storm with us! What do you want to see for spirit week? Funny hat day, house pride day? Bring us your craziest, your silliest, your best ideas and we'll see what we come up with by the end of the week. We will let you know by the end of the weekend so you can plan accordingly (aka fun crazy threads and amazing outfits on ployvore :D).

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Hey folks! Just a couple reminders! 

Please use the 'Friend All' function on each of your character journals to make sure that you have everyone friended.  That page is located here.

Also, please make sure that you have your character nominates people for student council and class representatives!  You can nominate one person per position for each character you have, so lets see some nepotism!  You can nominate people until this Thursday, so get that in!  Characters can decline nominations, voting will take place next week, and of course you can nominate yourself. 

We're going to have people accept/decline over the weekend, so get those nominations in as soon as possible!  

Game on!


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There has been some noted interest in Cheerleading, Quidditch and Quodpot captain positions. As stated in the game information, the position is not specifically tied to any position in particular. With the new school year in effect, we would like to give the current players the opportunity to claim the title for their respective teams.

The title is not limited to boys or girls, or what position they play, but it can only be obtained by students of grade 11 and higher. If you are interested in your character being captain, please comment below (they are NOT screened to allow those contemplating to decide to challenge if someone already puts their character's name in). If more than one character per team puts their name in, it will be randomly rolled on in chat. This applies to Quodpot, Quidditch, and Cheerleading.

Decisions will be made by Friday, September 10th. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask one of the mods.

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Hello folks!

We just wanted to let you know that as of today, September 1st, the activity checks begin. As we started closer to the end of August, that time was a freebie. From this point forward, please adhere to activity rules (one log/thread per character every two weeks).

Game on!

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Name: Crescent City: OOC
Back January 2012
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