Please respond to this post WITH EACH CHARACTER THAT YOU HAVE with who they are voting for for the Senior Class Prom King and Queen.
1) The only students able to run and vote are Senior Class members. No dates from other years will be permitted to vote. 2) Vote in character please, with a name for each. You may only vote for King or Queen if you wish, you do not have to vote for both. 3) Voting will take place from RIGHT THIS INSTANT until Friday Evening, 9:00 PM EST. At which time, votes will be tallied and the winner announced in the thread for the Senior Prom. Characters will not be allowed to react accordingly until that time. Sad!face :( 4) Hi Dad! 5) You may vote for any member of the Senior Class, attending the dinner dance, or not. They must be currently attending CCI though.
Any questions? Please comment here or contact a mod. All comments will be screened.
Happy voting and good luck!
AVAILABLE SENIORS TO VOTE FOR: Jessica Sommer Émilie Devlin Quinn Van Rensselaer Sibyl Ballantyne Mackenzie Dubinsky Gael Shaw Leon Shaw
(Note: Characters who are on Hiatus or who are not at school are not eligible to be crowned King or Queen)