Crescent City: OOC - Post a comment
Okay, this would have been a little better to post a few DAYS ago, but I am hella lazy! So sue me! (Except, please don't. I don't has any money. :( )

Those of you who have somehow missed my inane rambling in chat (lucky you) will have missed the following update: I am back after not really having played since MARDI GRAS, and VALENTINE'S before that. :| I essentially haven't been strictly active since January. YOU KNOW YOU MISSED ME.

Except for you, new people. Hello~

Just a quick update on the status of my kids:

Gray has been in rehab for the past two months. Being the most social of my three, I suspect he is really the only one that needs a real explanation. During a trip back to loverly Montreal, Canadia, he crashed his dad's favourite car into the house (and through the living room) of Conrad Coquard, one of Arnaud LeClair's closest friends, and most trusted business partners. Our little Gracy was completely plastered, but came out of the accident mostly unscathed.

That was, until Mr Coquard discovered that Mrs Coquard, his young new wife was in the car with Gray. Upon demanding an explanation, Gregoire's response was something like 'Eat a dick, I fucked your wife.' Naturally, Mr Coquard was displeased, and proceeded to beat the crap out of the very drunk, very mouthy 17 year old.

Arnaud, as part of an agreement with Conrad not to press charges, paid off the damages, pulled Gray from school almost immediately, and sent poor Gracy to a rehabilitation centre for what was meant to be 45 days. He was there for 60, and has had pretty much NO contact with anyone from school, as he was stripped of his phone and his wand upon entering the muggle rehab centre.

Emilie has been around, mostly sulking, glaring at Anastas when she passes him in the hallway, and pretty much being unable to look Yevgeni or Kaz in the eye. If your last name is DeKooning, she has been avoiding you. She is planning SOMETHING, but even she does not know quite what, yet.

Ben is Ben, and he never leaves his room.

THE END. Period. :D
Hopefully I can keep RL from eating me-- but I can't make ANY promises. XD


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Name: Crescent City: OOC
Back January 2012