Ladies and gentlemen! We have made several adjustments in the rules if you would like to browse over the changes but basically... here are the changes we've made! *NPC addendum: With the exception of solo scenes, letters home, and brief appearances (a few lines), NPCs related to your character are to remain out of in-game scenes. NPCs are not meant to be played as PCs within scenes. If there is a need to have an NPC appear in a thread for more than a short period for plot reasons, please bring this to the attention of the Mods for approval. *Character cap: The character cap is five characters per player, and now if you have five characters and just can't resist that scratch to make a sixth, you may request a sixth character! There are of course several conditions for a sixth character. As a player you must be consistently active with all of your current characters, always doing more than the minimum for activity, and finish your scenes. *As requested! We are making an extracurricular schedule so you may have to adjust your characters extra curricular activities as there may be scheduling conflicts. If you don't want to give up certain activities you can always say that your character rotates meetings every other week. Thanks for being awesome guys! And if you have any questions ask away! Happy playing! Tags: !announcement