Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute
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Characters: Rowan and Yev
Setting: Sonnier Dormitory, Thursday afternoon
Rating: SFW most likely
Summary: Yev isn't in the common room! GASP SHOCK! Rowan goes looking for him.

Humming to herself quietly, Rowan sat at the table in the common room and glanced at the clock on the wall. Well, that was odd. It had been almost a half an hour that she had been waiting there, and Yev was nowhere to be found. They had agreed to meet to work on this really awesome project of his, and he was a no show! Rowan sighed a little and looked at the books around her. Well, she could probably gather them all up again without too much of a problem, and then she did know where his dorm room was...

She decided that going up to check if he was there couldn't hurt. Maybe he had forgotten?

Collecting her things, and putting the books in her bag except for a few that were the most pertinent, she made her way to what she knew to be Yev's dorm room. Books all under one arm, she was able to knock on the door easily, calling out after she did, "Hey Yev? It's Rowan. I have the books for your project?"

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Characters: Yevgeni and Rowan
Setting: Book shop downtown, Sunday afternoon
Rating: SFW
Summary: Yevgeni is caught red handed.

Yevgeni had grown over the summer, it was getting ridiculous. He had kept track and since his birthday in April he had grown close to four inches. His pants were all too short so he ended up rolling them up into shorts. He wasn't too bothered by it though, as he found the heat of both Hesperia and New Orleans too oppressive for long pants anyways. Regardless of his pants situation, he headed back to New Orleans early for some book shopping before classes started. He hit Old Tom's Tomes and scavenged through the history and magical creatures sections first.

After finding all the books he wanted there he moved on to the fiction section in the store, looking for some recreational reading. It was while he was searching through a shelf of books that his eyes caught sight of several muggle and wizard vampire books. His eye twitched slightly at this sight and he tried to ignore the itch in his fingers to start reorganizing the books. He turned away from the daunting shelf only to return seconds later, checking around to make sure no one was watching him. First he took all the vampire books off of the shelf and piled them on the floor by his feet. He then pulled the books from one of the shelves and piled them in front of the reserves of vampire books.

He then pulled the reserves of fiction books from the book off their original shelf and piled them on the floor in a separate pile. Yevgeni began picking up the vampire books hurriedly, crushing them to his chest as he tried to put as many away at the same time as he could.

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Characters: Yevgeni and Colby
Setting: Rienzi, after class on Monday
Rating: SFW
Content: Yev is awkward... surprise surprise.

With all of the drama going on at school it was a miracle that Yev had found the silver lining on anything. A nice party between friends! It would be fun to just hang out with his friends and unwind. He got the idea in his head that it would be fun to bring Colby. There arose one problem; asking her. He didn't know why he was so nervous about it, it was just asking a friend to hang out right? But then again, any social interaction had his stomach in knots. He steeled his nerves with one look in the mirror. "Do not be such a chicken shit," he old himself. Rubbing his blue head of hair he shook his head.

It only took him a few minutes to walk over to Rienzi with his hands stuffed into his pockets. He made his way up to Colby's room and knocked on the door, stepping back. He twiddled his thumbs absentmindedly.

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Characters: Colby and Yevgeni
Setting: Monday after classes, outside near the woods
Content: Totally SFW
Summary: Colby spots someone by the woods with... blue hair? Must investigate!

Fun in the woods! )

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Characters: Yevgeni and Brian
Setting: Library
Content: SFW
Summary: Brian and Yev hang at the library doing awkward freshman boy things... that sounds wrong... but it's not.

Yev had still been getting used to the fact that he had bright blue hair, every morning so far had been like a pleasant surprise. He woke up in the morning and caught his reflection in the mirror and thought to himself. What is that??? Oh right, my hair. Then he laughed to himself and carried on with his routine. He decided he wouldn't mind keeping it that way for a while.

So with his blue hair, a pile of books, and his usual fare, Yev headed to the library. It was pretty quiet as usual as he searched the rows of tables for a place to sit and mind his business. He hadn't found a promising seat until he saw his friend and fellow freshman piling and re-piling his books at a table. He walked down the aisle with his usual slow and clumsy pace and sat down across from Brian. "Hello," he said quietly.

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Dying. Kind of. Not really.
Characters: Abernathy and Yevgeni
Setting: His room, Wednesday
Content: SFW
Summary: Abernathy and Yev promised to dye their hair blue on Mardi Gras. This is the follow through.

Abernathy found herself bored after class on Wednesday. She remembered a little promise that was made to her on Mardi Gras and a certain freshman she hadn't seen since then. She bounded up to her room to grab the supplies she'd need and then found her way to Yev's dorm, knocking cheerfully on his door.

"Housekeeping," she joked. "Would you like a mint on your pillow?"

Yev had been doing his fair share of avoiding everyone ever since Mardi Gras although he did remember making friends with a delightful girl named Abernathy. )

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Characters: Everyone!
Setting: The Van Rensselaer home, NOLA. Tues March 8th
Content: NSFW. Just calling that now.
Summary: It's Mardi Gras in NOLA. Naturally someone has to have a party.

Never mind that it was a school night, Quinn wanted a party. She'd been intending to throw one on Mardi Gras and had been working on her uncle for some time to let her have the house. Finally she had won out. Not only did she get permission, but Noah and his wife vacated for the next couple days to allow her the opportunity for the party as well as the clean up. There was plenty of room for people to crash that night before they had to manage to get to class the following day.

The main portion of the house was decorated with all sorts of Mardi Gras decorations. Streamers, masks, draped boas, and other brightly coloured items to mark the festival. Quinn had made sure there was plenty of starting alcohol available, all obtained through a reliable source and none from her own stash. She was sure more people would bring their own to fill it out. Even food was available, though the size of the alcohol table was far larger.

A house elf was aiding the hostess in passing out beads to the male attendees while the hostess herself filled her arm with a bunch to pass out as she made her rounds.

It's Mardi Gras, and it's time to party.

[OOC NOTE: Remember to tag yourselves!]

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Twin's Tea Party
Characters Everyone invited to the twin's tea party!
Setting Saturday, the twin's dorm
Content Probably NSFW
Summary It's Ella and Jenny's birthday!

Ella and Jenny had cleared a big space in their doorm room, pushing all their furniture to the sides and creating a sizeable area to hopefully hold all their guests. There were little tables holding cupcakes and cookies, tiny triangle shaped sandwiches and an assortment of charming teapots and cups. They had all sorts of tea and they were charmed to stay warm.

A faint cloud of steam hung in the air and gave everything a magical feeling, coupled with bunches of balloons floating across the ceiling. Sitting next to each other in the centre of a table were two very different birthday cakes for each of the twins. Later on they had big squishy pillows and beanbags for the slumber party-goers to lounge on whilst eating popcorn and watching movies. Having everything prepared, the twins waited to welcome their guests.

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Valentines Day Dance 2011
Characters: Everyone!
Setting: Friday, February 11, 2011
Content: Do we really need to ask? NSFW
Summary: It's the Valentine's Day dance! Get grooving!

CCI's main hall had been decked out to the nines for the annual Valentine's Day dance. Red, pink, and white streamers and hearts hung from the ceiling. The usual snack table had been set up with a deep red table cloth and lined with trays of snacks and bowls of punch. The lighting was a bit hazy, giving a romantic hue to the room... but not too romantic! Professors were on the alert for inappropriate behavior.

Charmed papier-mache hearts floated through the dance, occasionally exploding and sending jets of glitter to the dance floor. The music was loud and energetic and the hall way already flooding with students dressed in their best and dancing.

OOC: Plese tag yourselves in! Remember there are chaperons!

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Characters: Yevgeni de Kooning and Colby Ayers
Setting: Music room, Wednesday after classes
Rating: SFW
Content: Yev is playing the piano when he spots someone else in there!

Yevgeni had checked around the music room to make sure he was alone before setting himself up at the concert piano. He warmed up with some scales and drills but it didn't take him long before diving into his favorite contemporary piece. He got lost in the music, playing his heart out and barely looking at the keys. Once the song came to an end he leaned back on the bench and sighed contentedly.

Panic gripped his heart when he heard something in the back of the room, a little shuffling, and he turned to the source of the noise, half expecting to see Emilie looming in the doorway.

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