Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute
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Character: Sunny and Gabe
Setting: Provincetown, Cape Cod, Mass. Tuesday evening-night
Content: Tentatively... probably... NSFW
Summary: After this text conversation, Sunny goes to visit Gabe for a night of clubbing.

Sunny had to admit that she was a little nervous about her escapade to Massachusetts to go clubbing but she was more excited than anything. Gabe was always fun to hang out with and she did love to dance. So pulling on a pair of her favorite shoes she pranced to the living room and beamed at her parents. "Is it okay if I go to my friend Gabby's house for the night?" she asked. It technically wasn't lying, so she couldn't feel too guilty about it when her parents agreed that it was okay for her to stay over.

She floo'd from her house to his before her parents could change their minds and landed in the fireplace and stepped out into his living room. "Hello," she called. "Anybody home?"

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Spring Break Text Messages Week One
We know that everyone is going to want to keep in touch over the holiday break, so here we go! This is the post for all the texting that will happen. Please Put in the heading who the text is meant for, and the time that it went out. If there are time zone issues, feel free to just say "Tuesday Night" or "Before noon on Sunday". If you feel the need to put in a character's telephone number, feel free! But it is not a requirement, by any means.

For Example:

Try to keep the format:

TO: Meka, Keegan, Michi Friday night
Hey guys! What's going on?

This doesn't count toward activity checks, but have fun people! And don't forget! If you're thread is nearing 50 comments... move it over! We don't want to break it!!

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Characters:Sunny, Ciaran, and anyone else who is not going to the dance
Setting:Beauregard, Friday, 7-whenever
Summary: Slightly aggressive food party

Sunny had been cooking and baking ever since she got home from class, soon enough she realized her slightly insane baking frenzy had produced way too much food. She stared at the piles of baked goods and Mexican food when she got a suddenly brilliant idea. She sent a text message to the campus; if you aren't coming to the dance, head over to beauregard, impromptu banquet.

She then put the finishing touches on her cupcakes and started a fresh batch of churros.

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