Characters: Yevgeni and Rowan Setting: Book shop downtown, Sunday afternoon Rating: SFW Summary: Yevgeni is caught red handed.
Yevgeni had grown over the summer, it was getting ridiculous. He had kept track and since his birthday in April he had grown close to four inches. His pants were all too short so he ended up rolling them up into shorts. He wasn't too bothered by it though, as he found the heat of both Hesperia and New Orleans too oppressive for long pants anyways. Regardless of his pants situation, he headed back to New Orleans early for some book shopping before classes started. He hit Old Tom's Tomes and scavenged through the history and magical creatures sections first.
After finding all the books he wanted there he moved on to the fiction section in the store, looking for some recreational reading. It was while he was searching through a shelf of books that his eyes caught sight of several muggle and wizard vampire books. His eye twitched slightly at this sight and he tried to ignore the itch in his fingers to start reorganizing the books. He turned away from the daunting shelf only to return seconds later, checking around to make sure no one was watching him. First he took all the vampire books off of the shelf and piled them on the floor by his feet. He then pulled the books from one of the shelves and piled them in front of the reserves of vampire books.
He then pulled the reserves of fiction books from the book off their original shelf and piled them on the floor in a separate pile. Yevgeni began picking up the vampire books hurriedly, crushing them to his chest as he tried to put as many away at the same time as he could.
Characters: Tatum & Bekka. Setting: Their room, Tuesday afternoon. Content: NSFW for language. Summary: Bekka is pissed, Tatum's oblivious, and they're about to meet in the middle.
Characters: Mackenzie and Tatum Setting: Tatum's dorm room after Mack returns from the hospital. Content: NSFW anymore! Summary: Mackenzie seeks the comfort of the only person she can really open up to. Too bad things are awkward for them at the moment.
Characters: Bekka & Nana Walkky Setting: Bekka's room, early Friday morning. Rating: SFW, some Yiddish thrown around etc Summary: Bekka's nana remembers what her granddaughter's phone number is, and rips her a new one over her parents being AWOL for a week.
Characters: Tatum & Mackenzie. Setting: Outside on the Quidditch field, Tuesday afternoon. Content: NSFW, language and [probably one-sided] violence. Summary: Tatum is going to "kick Mack's ass" at the flag-pole. Except she isn't sure if they even have a flag-pole.
Characters: Abernathy and Sam Setting: Sometime this week, Abby's room. Rating: Mostly SFW. Language. Content: Abby makes the decision to leave CCI. The only person she really needs to tell is Sam.
Her trunk sat open at the foot of her bed. Her clothes and school things were already heaped inside, but she was having trouble putting her personal items away. A couple of framed pictures sat on her desk still, some letters from home, her wand.
Characters: Leon Shaw and Professor Simmons Setting: Sunset, in the woods by a creek off campus. Backdated to Thursday. Rating: SFW Content: After much concern from fellow students, the faculty begin to search for their missing student. Professor Simmons, however, opts to go collect him once he has been located.
Characters: Leon Shaw Setting: Leon's dorm room, about 5:40pm Rating: SFW, language mostly. Unless cursing is bad at your work, in which case NSFW. Content: Leon's anger runs out, and instead of sending everyone a hate filled rant...He writes a confession to Adelaide, asking for her forgiveness, despite knowing she won't read it. Only that email doesn't just go to Adelaide, it goes to everyone.
Characters: Anastas Setting: His home over spring break. After Sunny's drunk dial. Rating: NSFWish. Language. Drug use. Summary: Stasi does a bad thing.