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To: Sera (seraphimdonnellyrousseau@cci.edu), Meka (mekapalakiko@cci.edu), Rowan (rowancabot@cci.edu) From: Jenny (jenniferparry@cci.edu) Date: December 12, 2010, 8:57 PM Subject: SORRY. Hey guys, I'm sorry about the dance and that I couldn't make it to the concert and stuff last night.. I really wanted to be there, believe me. :( I don't know where that attack came from all of the sudden, and I'm kind of just as surprised as I guess everybody else was. I still don't know what went on, but from the way Ella is acting, I'm guessing it was a pretty bad one.. I'm more embarrassed than anything else. I guess at least I didn't pee myself lol it has been known to happen.. But yeah, I'm seriously sorry that I ruined the night but I hope you all had fun before that, and we should definitely all hang out sometime over break if you're up for it. And if my mom will let me out of bed or doesn't try to make me live at the doctor's office, she's been hovering over me like a hummingbird since they came and picked us up from school. It was already kind of a fight to get her to let me out of bed to even go online. Anyway, even if we don't get together, expect presents in the mails. ♥ Love, Jen Tags: !email, jennifer parry, meka palakiko, rowan cabot, seraphim donnelly-rosseau

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Characters: Everyone! Setting: Friday, December 10th, 2010 Rating: We know our players. I would consider this NSFW juuuuust in case. Summary: It's the Snowflake Ball! The main hall of the Crescent City Institute had been completely transformed for the school's annual Snowflake Ball. Instead of a grand, but rather bland, hall, there was now an utterly festive atmosphere. A giant tree was the focal point now, decorated with real icicles and pine needles, and tiny fairies sitting politely on the ends of branches to provide a twinkling effect. Pillars were festooned with garlands and ribbon, tables set up with snowy white tablecloths, and the floor had been charmed to give off a low, misty effect. It was an effect that went well with the effect placed on the ceiling. This was Louisiana, after all, and it wasn't often that they got heavy snow. But for tonight at least, there was snow at CCI. Or rather, in CCI. Snow fell prettily from the enchanted ceiling, warm and not wet at all. It evaporated before it hit the floor, but there was a charming quality to it as it fell among the Ball's attendees. In some spots, little floating lights, much like will-o-wisps floated amid the falling snow. Here and there, professors walked among the students giving greetings and compliments, and sometimes rebukes, all garbed in their holiday best. Some wore dress robes, others donned more Muggle attire. All in all, it was a beautiful occasion. Tags: !event, apple evans, benjamin redd, brian redd, casey rycroft, charles oliver, ella parry, emilie devlin, erica redd, francios prideaux, gregoire leclair, jennifer parry, jessica sommer, keegan howe, leon shaw, marianne parker, meka palakiko, melchor ruiz, michiko passos, quinn van rensselaer, rowan cabot, seraphim donnelly-rosseau, shelby ginnish, sibyl ballantyne, sol garcia, tatum donnelly
