Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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notonyourteam From: [info]notonyourteam Date: June 14th, 2011 04:05 am (UTC) (Link)
Mackenzie just laughed as Tatum stuttered out her amazement at her actions, she found it extremely cute how much of a little horn dog the girl secretly was. She knew Tatum must have had something interesting on that computer of hers, the was she guarded it like a mother bear protecting its cubs. What a little porn addict. With her usual mischievous grin planted on her face she dragged her hand across the girls abdomen, breathing in her ear.

“I could be your private porn star baby,” She whispered seductively, trying hard not to laugh. She enjoyed sexual things but one of her deepest, darkest secrets was that she actually almost enjoyed the cuddling after sex more. Almost. She didn’t reward most conquests with that kind of intimacy afterwards but there had been exceptions in the past, and Tatum was most certainly her biggest one. She was just as content to cuddle with the girl as anything else. “You were delicious,” She added, kissing the girls neck and settling back in as if nothing had happened.

She reached down and pulled the blanket back up, pulling it around them as Tatum scooted closer to her. Resting her chin on the girl’s head, she wrapped her arm around the girl’s waist again, her fingers going back to drawing patterns on the girl’s stomach. She hadn’t felt this calm and relaxed in over a week, ever since her fight with Frankie things had been all kinds of messed up and wrong. But now it felt like the planets had aligned again, she had her best friend back and even if the shit hit the fan tomorrow, things were okay right now.

Her eyes were closed, her mind only half awake as she let the warmth from the girl’s body lull her into a lethargic state . Her breathing was slowing, the finger that had been drawing patterns over the redhead’s skin was starting to get sluggish.

“I’m glad,” She said slowly, her voice sounded like it was a million miles away now. “It really was perfect Tat, you’re kind of perfect.” She trailed off, her finger stopping completely, hand just resting comfortably near the redhead’s hip now. Her breathing was steady and rhythmic, and a small smile was set on her face as she fell asleep completely.
porcelinaofvast From: [info]porcelinaofvast Date: June 14th, 2011 04:38 am (UTC) (Link)
There was no way Tatum could have been more content in that moment. Her brain still wanted to run rampant, rushing with thoughts and realizations as it finally came out of it's lust induced fog, but it was slowly losing the battle. She could barely hold in a yawn as Mack kissed her neck and settled in more comfortably.

Feeling the blanket fall around them and Mack's chin settling on top of her head, Tatum closed her own eyes tightly and snuggled in closer, face against the blonde's shoulder still. The fingers tickling across her skin, slowing by the second, were relaxing her and lulling her into her own state of sleep. She was still exhausted, but extremely content. The situation was a bit of a mess, but her best friend was back. It felt good to be sleeping beside her, though they were usually more clothed.

She laid there with her eyes closed, listening to the blonde's breathing and just feeling the fingers drawing across her stomach, until she was sure the older girl was asleep. Her heartbeat was so even, much more so than it had been during the sex. Tatum's own heart had calmed a bit as well, no longer trying to find an escape.

Sighing slowly, Tatum shifted onto her side just a bit, to get closer still to the girl beside her. Kissing Mack's neck briefly, the redhead pulled the single blanket a little closer to their chins, causing their feet to stick out the end. "You're an asshole," she joked in a hushed whisper, knowing the blonde couldn't hear her. She thought she would lie and wait for a long time, her brain still fighting for dominance, but her exhaustion won out in a matter of minutes and she was contently tucked against Mackenzie as she slept.

Tomorrow would be different, but they'd deal in the morning. She was happy with where she was at least until the sun came up.
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