She couldn’t help but chuckle a little at Tatum’s confession, of course the little redhead would be over thinking this. When did Tatum ever just shut off her mind and let things happen? “Don’t think,” She mumbled against the other girl’s lips. “Just feel. Everything will work out just fine.”
Mackenzie bit back a moan as she felt the redhead sucking on her neck, she was pretty much ready to rip her own sweat pants off. She had however given Tatum the reigns on this whold ordeal and didn’t want to freak her out. It was all about making the other girl feel comfortable and happy, it always had been. She tilted her head back slightly, giving the redhead better access.
“Yeah,” she managed to stammer out. The redhead’s lips were making it hard for her to really focus on what question she was even answering. She could feel herself quivering slightly, this girl was surely going to kill her. At least it would be a happy death. “I’m ready, are you?” She pressed her fingers a little bit lower, giving her question a bit of context.