Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
Crescent City Institute - Post a comment
Some part of her knew that she should have stopped right there, drawn the line and been done with it. Things had already come too far, and despite the haze of lust that was fucking up her brain, she was still feeling that tugging guilt of the whole thing. Just as soon as her brain would begin to settle and dwell, Mack would do something else and she'd forget what she had even been thinking about besides the sensations in her body. Soon enough, that was seeming to take over her whole mind. Their eyes would meet, and she'd feel that skip in her pulse again, swallowing hard as she listened to the blonde speak.

Everything she was saying, it brought those uncomfortable feelings into her stomach again, right in the pit. She couldn't possibly mean those things, and even if she did, she shouldn't be saying them. They were just meant to be best friends, none of this was part of the deal, but here they were. Just as Mack had realized earlier, she knew there was nothing to do but go forward.

"Shut up," she managed to murmured sheepishly, just a hint of a frown on her lips before Mack was kissing her again, and she was arching her whole body back into the other girl's arms. It felt like reflex now, her arms looping Mack's neck again and holding on, holding them close together. She dropped her hand, Mack's fingers tangling with her own, and she immediately squeezed back, shivers trailing down her spine as Mack's hips pressed against her. It definitely wasn't helping that dull ache she was trying desperately to ignore in her shorts. Goddamnit.

She let out a little moan, breaking their kiss hastily as Mack's hand moved over her breast. She moved her free hand, shorts nails nigging briefly into Mackenzie's closest shoulder. Her hips were moving again, making those desperate arches even as she tried to stop herself. The waistband, already a bit loose from wear, was already sliding over her hipbones, almost to the top of her legs. This was getting too far, but she still couldn't find words to say it.


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