Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
Crescent City Institute - Post a comment
“You’re definitely different then everyone else,” She mumbled, smiling softly to herself. The girl was certainly something different, in the best way possible. She didn’t that anyone except for maybe Kia had been able to break past her defenses this much without getting a fist to the face. “You’re amazing Tat, I trust you.” She wanted to say more but she decided just to leave it at that, Tatum knew her well enough to know how much her trust was worth.

She could sense that the redhead had been upset by her story, hell she was still kind of upset about it. It was in the past however, and despite her mother’s blatant disapproval of her sexuality, she still treated Mackenzie as he daughter. Or at least as much as she had before the whole incident. Kate had never really talked about it again, choosing to act like it had never happened. “Are you okay?” she asked quietly, not really sure what part of the story had upset Tatum. “It was really awful at the time, I wont deny that. But it wasn’t the end of the world either. Sure Abi was my first, but that didn’t mean she’d be my only love. I still love Abi dearly, we even talk from time to time, but we’ve both grown up so much since then. We’re different people now, and I’m glad I had my time with her, you know? There are so many things I have to thank her for.”

“Kate….is just Kate,” Mackenzie shrugged, she wasn’t sure why she was defending her mother. She had been awful at the time, she still was to the blonde sometimes. But it wasn’t like Mackenzie had tried to make an effort to help her mother understand, she jut made and effort to get under the woman’s skin. “One day, maybe, we’ll talk about it. And things will get sorted out, but I don’t think that time is now.”

Mackenzie let out a small laugh as Tatum rambled on about how much they had missed out on in the last few days. Cute cat pictures and runs to Mickey Dee’s? They were the insignificant things she loved about the girl, they were just so purely them. “I’m just entertainment for you?” She asked in mock disbelief. She knew what Tatum meant, she had been tearing her nails out at Hunter’s all week. While she did have a good time with the blonde, she just wasn’t Tatum.

As Tatum tangled their fingers together and declared their bro status, Mack could almost hear Hunter’s voice in her head again, saying something crude about Mack being jerked around. Things like this always made her unsure about how the redhead actually felt. There were times when she was almost positive that Tatum felt the same, that she understood how much Mack truly loved her. Then there were times like these, when she so firmly and blatantly cock blocked the blonde. She was driving herself crazy trying to read the girl, Hunter always asked her why she didn’t just make a move. The reason was that she could never figure out if she should or not.

“I so wouldn’t get tired of you,” she shot back, squeezing Tatum’s hand. She knew she always pissed and moaned about clingy bitches, but once again, Tatum was the only exception to her firm rule about the clingy ones. She actually liked it when Tatum did it, it made her feel important. “I haven’t yet have I? I was serious when I said I didn’t know what to do without you this past week. I just sat there on Hunter’s floor and listened to my Ipod, barely moved at all.

“Yeah, jump your bones. Have you looked in a mirror lately Tot? You’re sexy as hell,” She just smiled, trying to resist the urge to wink coyly at the redhead. Instead she just kept her expression as neutral as possible, her smile turning into a small frown as Tatum grabbed her side. Maybe she should get anger management or something. “I was kidding Tat, don’t worry.” She squeezed the girls hand and planted a light kiss on her forehead. “I won’t lay a finger on that girl ever again, unless given express permission from you of course.”


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