Despite herself, Tatum cracked a smile when Mack called her a hippie. It helped her to hold back the tears that she had been feeling build up, threatening to spill over. She sniffed a little, giving the blonde a light shove, though she barely moved. "It's my job to make you guys happy, I shouldn't like.. take you for granted. You guys are like.. hard to please though.. you less than her, but I know you're just trying to make me happy. You'd be pleased as a pig in shit if I broke up with her tomorrow, no matter what you say," Tatum challenged, her weak smile fading away. "But I can't I just.. I need her so bad. Why doesn't she love me?"
That was it then, as she felt one tear slipping down her cheek. She wiped it away on the nearest pillow, she tried another weak smile. "Sorry, that's stupid. I'm stupid."