Name: Crescent City Institute
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petitechou From: [info]petitechou Date: May 26th, 2011 04:07 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Well. That shti with Ginger wouldn't have happened if I hadn't called her fat in the first place" Frankie pointed out with a shrug. "It's wrong that you got dragged all up into it." It was the first time Frankie had said it to Tatum. Actually admitted she had no blame in it.

"You shouldn't be fighting. You're not a fighter. You're gentle, that's whats so good about you" she said matter-of-factly. "I hope you caused her some amount of pain though" she added snidely.
porcelinaofvast From: [info]porcelinaofvast Date: May 26th, 2011 06:14 pm (UTC) (Link)
Tatum gaped at that admission from Frankie. She was pleasantly surprised, and it made her even more anxious to keep telling Frankie what she had to tell her. She tried to keep the surprise off of her face, glancing away a bit before speaking. "Well, she is a fat bitch," she muttered coyly. Her affection for Ginger wasn't going to grow any time soon, no matter how long ago Valentines seemed now.

"I'm not a fighter, and she could have smashed my head in if she wanted to," Tatum shrugged. She didn't know why Mackenzie hadn't. "I think her cheeks bruised?" she offered. It had looked that way when she had walked away, just starting to darken under the edge of her sunglasses.

"That wasn't all though," she continued after a moment, taking another long drag and keeping her eyes on the other girl in the window. "It's not as.. bad as it's probably gunna sound. I just want you to know, like.. honesty and shit. I guess."
petitechou From: [info]petitechou Date: May 26th, 2011 06:34 pm (UTC) (Link)
Frankie's eyes narrowed at the red head and her rambling about things sounding worse than they should. Suddenly she wasn't feeling quite so calm about this entire situation.

"Go on" she said tensely, raising an eyebrow.
porcelinaofvast From: [info]porcelinaofvast Date: May 26th, 2011 06:52 pm (UTC) (Link)
Tatum seemed to shrink back when Frankie's eyes narrowed at her. She swallowed thickly, rubbing her free hand onto the leg of her jeans, feeling her palms starting to sweat. "She-- She kissed me. But I told her I wouldn't. I didn't want to," she stammered quickly.

She lifted her head, watching Frankie for her reaction, although she was almost scared of what it might be. Things had been so tense lately, she wasn't so sure this was the right idea after all. "You kissed Ginger," she reasoned quietly as a last ditch defense, frowning deeply.
petitechou From: [info]petitechou Date: May 26th, 2011 07:09 pm (UTC) (Link)
Frankie quickyl grew defensive as her voice started to rise. "I kissed Ginger when I took a bunch of E!" She folded her arms stubbornly. "Besides, she's not my goddamn best friend or anything!"

She jumped off the window ledge and paced the room frantically.

"That bitch. Poutain. What am I supposed to do?" Frankie asked Tatum desperately. It made her sick to think someone else had touched her lips, like she was tainted or something. She knew it was silly, and it made her even angrier.
porcelinaofvast From: [info]porcelinaofvast Date: May 26th, 2011 10:27 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I was pretty high?" she offered weakly, flinching away from Frankie's rising voice. She felt tense still, and tried to tell herself it wasn't because she still felt guilty. Frankie didn't know that she had momentarily lost herself and kissed the older girl back.

When Frankie jumped up from the window, Tatum jumped up from the bed, ready to plead with her to stay if it came to that. She found herself slightly relieved by the pacing instead. She was shaking just a little as she stepped forward and stopped her girlfriend mid-pace, putting both of her hands onto Frankie's shoulders.

"Don't do anything, please. She's not gunna do it again, I'm definitely not going to do it again. She knows I want to be with you, she told me to be with you, it's over just.. let it go. Just be with me, okay?" she suggested quietly, looking the brunette in the eyes. "I just want all of this to go away so we can be back to normal."
petitechou From: [info]petitechou Date: May 27th, 2011 10:27 am (UTC) (Link)
"You're always high" Frankie snapped as Tatum stopped her pacing. If there was one thing Frankie was never going to be involved in, it was a love triangle. They were for idiots, she had to be in check of her emotions enough not to battle some senior over a girl, right?

"I hate this shit" she moaned, pleaded. "I've had more..drama since we've been together than I've had in my whole school life" she carried on. Taking a deep breath she brused hair out of Tatum's face.

"I don't know if I love you enough to do this. I mean, not just Mackenzie but like, coming out to your parents..everything. It's not me. I'm not that kind of person" she said harshly, staring at the floor.
porcelinaofvast From: [info]porcelinaofvast Date: May 27th, 2011 03:18 pm (UTC) (Link)
Tatum tried to keep her expression tough as Frankie brushed the hair out of her face and spoke to her. She heard the words, knew where this was going, but everything seemed to float over her like it wasn't reality. This couldn't actually be happening. She tried to keep eye-contact, but broke it soon after, feeling herself starting to draw in a shaky breath. Her chest felt tight.

I don't know if I love you enough to do this. Well, that was it then, it was out in the open. She did her best to try to think of something to say, but nothing came. Her mouth opened, and then closed again, lips trembling. "I'll d-do anything," she pleaded back, starting to sob a moment later.

She took her hands away from Frankie's shoulders, using them to cover her face instead, trying to calm herself down. "I won't hang out with her a-anymore, I won't talk to her, I'll tell a-anybody you want, baby, please. I'll f-fix myself, I'll be b-better," she offered, hands rubbing her face furiously, willing herself to get it together and at least stop crying. It was making it hard to talk.

It felt like just yesterday that they had gotten together, laying on the beach and laughing about something stupid. But it wasn't yesterday, they had been together a long time now. And now lately, everything was just gone to shit. They were becoming different people. But she didn't know how to be anyone else, someone separate from Frankie. Especially if she couldn't be around Mackenzie, she needed to be with Frankie. "Please? Just o-one more chance. I'll be g-good."
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