Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
Crescent City Institute - Post a comment
Mackenzie was a bit shocked when Tatum pushed her hard enough to take them both down to the ground. She hadn’t expected the girl to actually get her down and sit on her. She was actually pretty proud of the little redhead, knocking her to the ground was a smart decision in terms of a fist fight. Although Tatum’s glare scared her slightly, she had never seen so much anger on the girl’s face. She really didn’t like that it was directed at her but it was exactly what she had been going for.

The small flicker of hesitation was almost enough to cause Mackenzie to hope that maybe despite everything that had happened, Tatum wouldn’t actually hit her. She wanted to tell her that this violent, angry girl wasn’t her. She didn’t have to do this, she was better than this. She braced herself for the fist that was soon to follow though, she wouldn’t stop the redhead from doing what she wanted.

She felt the girls hit her cheek bone, that was going to leave a nasty bruise. It wasn’t as bad as some of the punches that Hunter had landed on her in the past but it still stung. It still made her sad that this was what resulted from her actions.

She just stared blankly at the redhead again as the girl screamed at her to fight back, letting her shake her around by her T-shirt. “No,” She said calmly, she wasn’t really sure what kind of point she was trying to prove at this point but she wouldn’t hit the redhead. She would rather die then lay a violent hand on that girl.

“Seriously? Was that it?“ She spat, glaring at the girl, daring her to hit her again. “Jesus Christ, that didn’t even fucking hurt. You‘re going to have to do better than that bitch.”


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