Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
Crescent City Institute - Post a comment
It was breaking Mackenzie’s heart to have to scream like that at the redhead, her redhead. She had to keep her front up however, this is what Tatum wanted. She wanted Mack to be the bad guy so she could prove her love for Frankie. Hell, who was Mackenzie kidding? She was the bad guy at this point, and if that was what she wanted, that was what Tatum would get. She knew that she had to provoke the girl even more if she really wanted Tatum to put her all into this fight.

The shove hadn’t been half bad, she could feel where Tatum’s fingers had pressed into her chest. The punch to the shoulder was a good first attempt too, it had actually hurt, just like Frankie’s. She knew the smaller girl was holding back though, even though she didn’t know how to fight, it wasn’t that hard to hit someone in the face who wasn’t fighting back.

“Is that all you got?” Mackenzie sneered, laughing. This whole thing felt so wrong, egging Tatum on to hit her. Hurting the redhead so she wouldn’t feel bad for hitting Mackenzie. This whole situation had gotten out of hand, this wasn’t how they were supposed to be. They were supposed to talk about it, maybe scream a little but hug it out in the end and fall back into their places. They weren’t supposed to fight each other. It was killing Mackenzie inside, but she felt like she deserved it from the redhead. If Tatum couldn’t get herself to do it, Mackenzie would push her until she did. “That barely even hurt Tatum. But hey! At least you actually hit me.”

The calm was returning and Mackenzie stared at the girl, waiting again for Tatum to take another shot at her. “Go for the face Tatum, you aren’t going to do any damage by hitting my arm. I’m a fucking beater, that arm is all muscle.” She pushed the girl lightly again, just a warning shot. Just enough to get her blood pumping. “Don’t you want to defend Frankie’s honor? I fucking hit her in the god damn face, and broke her nose. What are you going to do about it?” She wanted to apologize instantly, she hated having to spit out this bile. She hated having to watch every word hit the other girl and tear her to shreds. She just had to keep reminding herself that it was for the redhead’s own good.

“You’re still the pussy here,” She said finally, her voice cold as she laid down the bait. She hoped that one day Tatum would forgive her. “A real girlfriend would rip my fucking head off. You can’t even hit me in the god damn face.”


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