Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
Crescent City Institute - Post a comment
Mackenzie just stared at the redhead blankly, was this really what she had dragged herself out of her hole for? This was fucking pathetic, she may have loved Tatum to death but she was so over whatever this was. She didn’t come here to talk with the redhead, she came for a fight.

“I already told you Tatum but you refused to take my last answer, so I’ll just tell you again why I put you in this situation.” She said calmly, continuing to smoke her cigarette and eyeing the girl warily. “I fucking hate your girlfriend, okay? Don’t like her one bit. Now I love you to god damn death. You see what kind of predicament that is? You’re my best friend, I trust you to see who I am deep down. And your little girlfriend threatens the hell out of me. So I run my mouth, because it’s my best defense. If she knows, which the bitch does, she’s going to use it to tear me limb from limb. So I hit her in the fucking face. Because she scares the fucking hell out of me.” She flicked her cigarette away, and cracked her neck. Her eerie calm demeanor still intact. “Really Tatum, I didn’t have a specific reason for doing it. She made me loose my cool, and I have anger issues apparently. I didn’t do it to hurt you, I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you.”

She stretched her shoulders out and cracked her knuckles before pulling her hair up into a pony tail. “Now I know you never were the one beating someone up, so I’m gonna teach you something.” She approached the smaller girl, not bothering to wait for permission and grabbed her chin, not roughly enough for it to hurt but firm enough that she had Tatum’s attention. “There are two place that you‘re gonna want to aim for,” she instructed, her eyes never leaving Tatum’s. Someone had to teach the girl to fight, and Mackenzie knew it would have been her job in better times.

“The eye,” She tapped right bellow the girls eye. “As you well know.”

“And the nose,” She tapped the tip of the girls nose, smirking slightly. “You want to punch upwards to break it, that‘s the easiest way. Although you can also punch right into it or across the face.” She added, smiling slightly. She knew that anyone would have told her she was insane to tell her opponent how to fight. “The mouth is good too, but you have to use more strength to do damage.”

“You wanna make sure to keep your thumb outside of your fingers too,” she added, making a fist to demonstrate. “Otherwise you might break it.”

She shoved the smaller girl back, it wasn’t as roughly as she had pushed Frankie but it wasn’t a nice push either. “Don’t be a pussy Tatum,” She jabbed, glaring coldly. She knew the girl would never hit her if she wasn’t angry enough. “Or are you going to let me get away with what I did like Ginger?” She let her arms drop to her side, she would make no effort to block her face. “Come on Tatum!” She yelled at the girl, “Fucking hit me!”


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