Never usually being the type to take to violence easily, Tatum just stared at the older girl for a moment, as if trying to figure out if she was ready. She was usually the one getting beaten up. That had been before Mack had been her friend. Mack who had, despite everything, always taken care of her. She didn't want to hit her, but she kind of had to. It was a matter of an unforgivable line being crossed. If she just pussied out, people would fuck with her relationship forever, until eventually Frankie just gave up and left her.
If anything, she had to do whatever she could do to prevent that.
"It'll be over in like, two seconds, when I knock your teeth out," Tatum murmured, trying to look her toughest and most stern as Mackenzie stared at her. She stared right back, but yet she didn't strike despite her fists being held at the ready. "Which like.. what I should do to you. Why'd you put me in this fucking situation? Why did you fucking do it, dude?"