Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
Crescent City Institute - Post a comment
Characters: Tatum & Mackenzie.
Setting: Outside on the Quidditch field, Tuesday afternoon.
Content: NSFW, language and [probably one-sided] violence.
Summary: Tatum is going to "kick Mack's ass" at the flag-pole. Except she isn't sure if they even have a flag-pole.

Tatum wasn't sure what she intended to actually do to Mackenzie. She was her best friend, but she was also furious at her. She couldn't believe what her friend had done, and even if Frankie might have egged her on, there was no excuse for hitting her like that. She wasn't sure she even could beat Mack.. it seemed extremely unlikely. Just their physical fitness level stood against her. Mack played Quidditch and worked out all of the time, whereas Tatum's idea of a work-out was walking up two flights of stairs.. and she usually smoked so much weed, those two flights were enough to leave her breathless.

She had to do something though. Frankie had looked so upset, and just thinking about that brought Tatum's blood to a boil again. Anyone messing with her girlfriend pissed her off, and although she had pussied out against Ginger, this was different. Mack was her friend, she should have had more respect for Tatum's wishes than that.. if anyone knew how much Tatum loved Frankie, it was probably Mack. She was always teasing her about never shutting up about the brunette. Even if she didn't win, she had to show Mack that she didn't appreciate this bullshit. Whatever it took.

This, for some reason, was what society understood. It was what she was supposed to do, right? Someone messed with her girl, she would fight them. It's what Mack herself would do. How could she criticize her for it? Who else would she have learned it from? Things could be worse. At least Mack probably wouldn't beat her to death or anything, if she was lucky.

She had told Mackenzie to meet her, and as the time got closer, she wasn't sure if the older girl would humor her or not. Mack had seemed pretty dismissive about fighting her, she didn't seem to think Tatum had much of a chance, and she was probably right. She got changed out of her uniform after class just the same, and went straight outside. Once she was out there, that she realized the whole flag-pole idea was kind of stupid.. so she went to the next place she thought of, one she figured Mack would check.

Heading to the Quidditch pitch, the red-head moved over to the benches. She slumped down onto one and crossed her arms, simply waiting.


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