Mackenzie stared at Tatum with her mouth slightly agape, she wanted to loose it at the girl. She wanted to tell her exactly how she felt because this oblivious Tatum was going to be the death of her. Since when did Tatum talk to her like Hunter did anyway? Stupid not being able to hit on girls bet, that was the reason that this all happened. Had she been able to just flirt with the girl like she usually did she wouldn’t have had to dredge up all these unwanted feelings. She didn’t want to admit it but she didn’t want to ruin the closeness she had with Tatum. Because she couldn’t imagine trying to get though things without her and if she fucked this up that is what she would have to do.
Swallowing thickly she took a deep breath and tried to put on a convincing smirk. She reached out to pull Tatum into a gentle head lock, much like she always did with Hunter.
“Shut your face,” she teased, “I told you not to laugh at me. Have you been hanging around Hunter? Because that could be dangerous for your health.” She grinned at the red head, she honestly wouldn’t give this up for anything. Even if it meant dealing with stupid mushy feelings that liked to rear their ugly heads every so often. “I suppose I’ll let it slide though, because I really want to go watch those Dev videos and I can’t do that if we aren’t talking.”
“Speaking of talking,” She continued, tilting her head in thought. “When were you going to talk to Simmons?”