Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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gaybee From: [info]gaybee Date: April 14th, 2011 04:24 am (UTC) (Link)
"You know what I mean," he said, pointing at her. "You've got to show that you won't let this bring you down. 'Cause remember: You are beautiful no matter what they say, words can't bring you down, you are beautiful in every single way, words can't bring you down, so don't let them bring you down today." He kept a straight face and went right into responding to her again. "Honey, we already do own the place, but we can definitely let them know it again."

He gave a slight smile. "There are other places to get your dance on than at a boring school dance where you're constantly being supervised, and that's where I usually go. You're just lucky that tonight I felt more like vegging out," he finished with a smirk.
soleada From: [info]soleada Date: April 14th, 2011 04:44 am (UTC) (Link)
Sunny's grin widened until she started giggling and couldn't stop. Finally able to control her giggles she looked at Gabe from across the table. "Thanks, I really needed to hear that. Christina knows her shit. Also, I love you, where have you been all my life?" she took a bit of her burrito and chewed thoughtfully. "A little reminder never hurt anyone right?" she smiled a little, she didn't feel like she owned the place but maybe all she needed was a little encouragement.

"A am very lucky," she beamed at him, sitting back she plucked a chocolate covered cherry from her plate and and popped it into her mouth. "Wait... so... do you like... go downtown to clubs and stuff? That's totally bad ass! How do you get in?!" she asked enthusiastically.
gaybee From: [info]gaybee Date: April 14th, 2011 05:32 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Preach it, sister," he quipped with a grin. "And no problem, I've always wanted to quote a song at someone anyway." He heaved a heavy sigh. "Trying to get Gaga tickets, actually." He took another bite of his burrito, pouting slightly as he chewed. "Nope, these students have become too comfortable and I think it's time to shake things up," he finished with a smirk.

His smirk grew and he gave her a wink, picking up his churro and pointing it at her. "A master never shares his secrets."
soleada From: [info]soleada Date: April 14th, 2011 05:53 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Hallelu!" Sunny replied with a bright giggle. "Ooo, where is she performing?" Sunny asked. "I can never go to the shows I want to go to around here, they're always eighteen and up," she sighed. "I can usually get into the ones at home though when my brother is visiting. His friends just ignore my birthday when I show them my license." She grinned at his next proclamation though. "Agreed, they're become complacent and we simply can not have that," she sighed dramatically. "I've really let my guard down these past few months," she joked.

"Aww," she pouted. "Not even to a lowly grasshopper such as I?" she play pouted but it didn't last for long as her pout slowly became a little grin.
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