Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
Crescent City Institute - Post a comment
Sadie Hawkins Dance!
Characters: Everyone!
Setting: Friday, April 15, 2011
Content: Yeah, yeah, we know. NSFW
Summary: It's the Sadie Hawkins dance! Ladies choice, so get out there and have some fun!

There was a subtle theme for tonight's Sadie Hawkins dance. No bright lights, or obviously themed decorations. No shaped confetti or strange creatures wandering around dressed in costumes. No costumes were in evidence at all, in fact. There was nothing cheesy or funny or overdone or bright or overt about the hall for tonight's dance.

Instead, tonight, there was soft lighting in places (though not too soft. The chaperones made sure of that), blue and soft gold table decorations and centerpieces, and a dance floor with charmed candles high above to provide light to see and dance by. The candles were charmed to change colors with the music, much the way that Muggle lights were done in dance clubs and the like. It added atmosphere without looking gaudy. Here and there were the teachers who were going to be watching over things for the evening, there was a long refreshment table off to one side, and the tables for sitting and relaxing were staged around the dance floor. All in all, a subtly decorated place where students could come in and dance and mingle.

((OOC: This will count for the month of April's activity. All threads made herein, no matter when actually posted, will count for April! Be sure and tag yourselves when your characters enter the scene. Any questions? Contact a mod!))


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