Characters: Yevgeni and Brian Setting: Library Content: SFW Summary: Brian and Yev hang at the library doing awkward freshman boy things... that sounds wrong... but it's not. Yev had still been getting used to the fact that he had bright blue hair, every morning so far had been like a pleasant surprise. He woke up in the morning and caught his reflection in the mirror and thought to himself. What is that??? Oh right, my hair. Then he laughed to himself and carried on with his routine. He decided he wouldn't mind keeping it that way for a while. So with his blue hair, a pile of books, and his usual fare, Yev headed to the library. It was pretty quiet as usual as he searched the rows of tables for a place to sit and mind his business. He hadn't found a promising seat until he saw his friend and fellow freshman piling and re-piling his books at a table. He walked down the aisle with his usual slow and clumsy pace and sat down across from Brian. "Hello," he said quietly.